Tertiary treatment definition

Tertiary treatment means the removal of pollutants, including nitrogen and phosphorus, to meet discharge or reuse criteria with respect to specific parameters and followed by disinfection.
Tertiary treatment means additional treatment beyond secondary treatment standards, specifically, the reduction in the total nitrogen concentration;
Tertiary treatment means treatment of urban wastewater by a process which reduces

Examples of Tertiary treatment in a sentence

  • Tertiary treatment is necessary to protect the beneficial uses of the receiving stream and the final effluent limitations for BOD5 and TSS are based on the technical capability of the tertiary process.

  • In addition, all students must also understand and adhere to campus expectations (http://0rights.unm.edu.lib.utep.edu/index.html), the Student Code of Conduct set for by the University of New Mexico (https://pathfinder.unm.edu/campus-policies/student-code-of- conduct.html), and the HSC Code of Ethics (http://hsc.unm.edu/policyoffice/ethics.html).

  • Tertiary treatment is equipped with dosing station of the metal salt and with filtration by Culligan Filter.

  • Such election must be made within the twenty-one (21) month period beginning on the date ALTANA designates a Y3H Target as a Catalogue Y3H Target (the “Evaluation Period”).

  • Tertiary treatment options may include composting of digested sludge for final pathogen reductions and treatment in WSPs or constructed wetland systems.

More Definitions of Tertiary treatment

Tertiary treatment means a wastewater treatment process that goes beyond secondary treatment, which may include filtration, coagulation, and nutrient removal.
Tertiary treatment means treatment of urban wastewater by a process which removes nitrogen and phosphorus from the urban wastewaters;
Tertiary treatment. (advanced waste treatment) means treatment beyond secondary treatment, which may include filtration, coagulation and nutrient removal, but excluding disinfection.
Tertiary treatment means treatment of urban wastewater by process generally involving of physical, chemical, biological and other procedures so that the treatment results in reduction of nutrient salts by 80 percent and the initial load of more than 90 percent of BOD5];
Tertiary treatment means additional treatment beyond secondary treatment standards,
Tertiary treatment means complementary medical, psychological, or rehabilitative procedures designed to eliminate, relieve or minimize mental or emotional disorders.
Tertiary treatment means treatment of urban wastewater by a process which reduces nitrogen or phosphorus, or both, in urban wastewater;