The MPU definition

The MPU means the Ministry of Public Utilities

Examples of The MPU in a sentence

  • The MPU or the fixed memory protection constraints determines this fault, for both instruction and data memory transactions.

  • The MPU logic can be used to provide spatial separation of software tasks in the device memory.

  • The MPU can manage up to 8 protection areas that can all be further divided up into 8 subareas.

  • The MPU can also be used to configure the memory ordering policies of the memory system.

  • The micro-emulator enables protection of writes on the stack, as described earlier in Section 3.4.6. The MPU restrictions prohibit perfect alignment of the MPU region to the allocated stack when entering a compartment.

  • The MPU configuration, compartment stack, and compartment switching routine are only writable by privileged code.

  • The MPU configuration is embedded into read-only memory (Flash), protecting it against attacks that modify the stored configuration in an attempt to change access controls.

  • The MPU is similar to an MMU, but it does not provide virtual memory addressing.

  • The MPU consists of port and starboard turbines, reduction gears, thrust bearings and clutches mounted on a cast base.

  • The MPU controls and manages the system in a centralized way and is responsible for data exchange.

Related to The MPU

  • the Memorandum means the Memorandum of Association of the Academy Trust;

  • The Master Servicer has fully furnished and shall continue to fully furnish, in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and its implementing regulations, accurate and complete information (e.g., favorable and unfavorable) on its borrower credit files to Equifax, Experian and Trans Union Credit Information Company or their successors on a monthly basis; and

  • The REMIC means the REMIC constituted by the Trust Estate.

  • the Members means the members of the Club admitted from time to time to membership of the Club in accordance with Rule 5;

  • The Manager , in relation to an HMO, means the person managing the HMO.

  • the Macfarlane (Special Payments) (No. 2) Trust means the trust of that name, established on 3rd May 1991 partly out of funds provided by the Secretary of State, for the benefit of certain persons suffering from haemophilia and other beneficiaries;

  • the SSCBA means the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992;

  • the Developer (“y datblygwr”) means the person carrying out the development for which the planning permission has been given;

  • Security Held or to be Acquired means any Security or any equivalent Security which, within the most recent 15 days: (1) is or has been held by the Fund; or (2) is being considered by the Fund or its investment adviser for purchase by the Fund.

  • Security Held or to be Acquired by a Fund means (1) any Covered Security that within the most recent 15 days (a) is or has been held by one of the Funds or a mutual fund sub-advised by MCM; or (b) is being or has been considered by a Fund or MCM for purchase by the Fund or a mutual fund sub-advised by MCM; and (2) any option to purchase or sell, and any security convertible into or exchangeable for, such a Covered Security.

  • Business with which he is associated means any business of which a public servant or his relative is an officer, director, owner, partner, employee or is a holder of more than ten percent (10%) of the fair market value or from which he or his relative derives more than Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) in annual income or over which such public servant or his relative exercises control.

  • the Macfarlane Trust means the charitable trust, established partly out of funds provided by the Secretary of State to the Haemophilia Society, for the relief of poverty or distress among those suffering from haemophilia;

  • the REMICs or "a REMIC" shall mean any of (or, as the context requires, all of) the SWAP REMIC, the Lower Tier REMIC and the Upper Tier REMIC.

  • the Academy means the school referred to in Article 4 and established by the Academy Trust;

  • The Project means supply, installation, testing and commissioning, integration of computer hardware and services with support under Warranty and annual maintenance contract, if required for the contract period.

  • the Minister means the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform;

  • The Sub-Contractor means any person, firm or company (other than the Contractor) to whom any part of the work has been entrusted by the Contractor with the written consent of the Engineer-In-Charge and the legal representative successors and permitted assignee of such person, firm or company.

  • the/this Agreement means the agreement as set out in this document and the Appendices hereto;

  • the Macfarlane (Special Payments) Trust means the trust of that name, established on 29th January 1990 partly out of funds provided by the Secretary of State, for the benefit of certain persons suffering from haemophilia;

  • the FCA means the Financial Conduct Authority;

  • Statement means a statement submitted by the Contractor as part of an application, under Clause 14 [Contract Price and Payment], for a payment certificate.

  • The Engineer means the Engineer appointed by the Purchaser for the purpose of this contract.

  • the Skipton Fund means the ex-gratia payment scheme administered by the Skipton Fund Limited, incorporated on 25th March 2004, for the benefit of certain persons suffering from hepatitis C and other persons eligible for payment in accordance with the scheme’s provisions;

  • the Development means the residential development for –

  • Breach of Agreement provisions of Section 5(a)(ii) will apply to Party A and will not apply to Party B.

  • the Area means the area for which for the time being the Appointee holds the appointment as water undertaker or, as the case may be, sewerage undertaker;