STC means the Special Terms and Conditions of Contract.
parking ticket means a ticket lawfully obtained from a ticket machine provided by the Council for the issue of parking tickets appropriately dated and time stamped relating to Schedule 19B of this Order
Jobber means a worker casually employed for not less than three hours during any one day or night.
Spike the price quote that meets the following conditions:
1. there is a considerable price gap;
2. a short-term price returns to the initial level creating a price gap;
AMI means Area Median Income as defined by HUD.
Airport means public-use airport open to the public without prior permission and without restrictions within the physical capacities of available facilities.
Altitude means the vertical distance of a level, a point or an object considered as a point, measured from mean sea level (MSL);
Transportation equipment means 1 or more of the following:
Transportation network company means a corporation,
mile means 5,280 feet.
API Gravity means gravity determined in accordance with ASTM Designation D-287-92 or latest revision thereof.
The Contractor means the individual or firm or company whether incorporate not, undertaking the works and shall include legal personal representative of individual or the composing the firm or company and the permitted assignees of individual or firms of company.
Collocate or "collocation" means to install, mount, maintain, modify, operate, or replace wireless facilities on or adjacent to a wireless support structure or utility pole, whether existing or new.
Collocation is As Described in the Act. Terms related to collocation are defined in the applicable Appendix Collocation or applicable collocation tariff, as appropriate.
Marketer means a duly licensed electric power supplier that
The End-User means the authorized user of the equipment/the Medical Superintendent/Head of the Department of the concerned specialty.
Port means a line or trunk connection point, including a line card and associated peripheral equipment, on a Central Office Switch but does not include Switch features. The Port serves as the hardware termination for line or Trunk Side facilities connected to the Central Office Switch. Each Line Side Port is typically associated with one or more telephone numbers that serve as the Customer's network address.
Generation Owner means a Member that owns, leases with rights equivalent to ownership, or otherwise controls and operates one or more operating generation resources located in the PJM Region. The foregoing notwithstanding, for a planned generation resource to qualify a Member as a Generation Owner, such resource shall have cleared an RPM auction, and for Energy Resources, the resource shall have a FERC-jurisdictional interconnection agreement or wholesale market participation agreement within PJM. Purchasing all or a portion of the output of a generation resource shall not be sufficient to qualify a Member as a Generation Owner. For purposes of Members Committee sector classification, a Member that is primarily a retail end- user of electricity that owns generation may qualify as a Generation Owner if: (1) the generation resource is the subject of a FERC-jurisdictional interconnection agreement or wholesale market participation agreement within PJM; (2) the average physical unforced capacity owned by the Member and its affiliates over the five Planning Periods immediately preceding the relevant Planning Period exceeds the average PJM capacity obligation of the Member and its affiliates over the same time period; and (3) the average energy produced by the Member and its affiliates within PJM over the five Planning Periods immediately preceding the relevant Planning Period exceeds the average energy consumed by the Member and its affiliates within PJM over the same time period.
Waterworks or “water system” means all structures, conduits and appurtenances by means of which water is delivered to consumers except piping and fixtures inside buildings served, and service pipes from building to street main.
tour operator means, with the exception of an air carrier, an organiser within the meaning of Article 2, point 2, of Council Directive 90/314/EEC of 13 June 1990 on package travel, package holidays and package tours (2);
Coasting has the meaning given by regulations under subsection (3) of section 60B of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 in relation to a school to which that section applies.
Shorelands or "shoreland areas" means those lands extending landward for two hundred feet in all directions as measured on a horizontal plane from the ordinary high water mark; floodways and contiguous floodplain areas landward two hundred feet from such floodways; and all wetlands and river deltas associated with the streams, lakes, and tidal waters which are subject to the provisions of this chapter; the same to be designated as to location by the department of ecology.
Airports means Chicago O’Hare International Airport and Chicago Midway International Airport.
Airport lounge means a business location:
Tour means visiting a location, for a purpose relating to the duties of a public official, and not primarily for entertainment, including:
factory means any premises including the precincts thereof—