Examples of TI Corp in a sentence
TI Corp is exposed to certain risks through its financial instruments.
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TI Corp was established on June 25, 2008 under the Transportation Investment Act (SBC 2002).
Pursuant to Section 24.23(2)(c) of the Transportation Investment Act, with the approval of the Minister of Finance, TI Corp may borrow the sums of money considered necessary to carry out its mandate.
TI Corp receives interest on this amount at a variable interest rate.
In Fiscal 2010, both TI Corp and its employees commenced contributions to the Public Service Pension Plan (the “Plan”), a jointly trusteed pension plan.
TI Corp has entered into a licensing agreement with the BCTFA to use and occupy certain lands in order to permit the Corporation to comply with its obligations under the CA for the Project.
In the ordinary course of business, TI Corp can become a defendant or party to pending or threatened legal actions and proceedings.
TI Corp funds its construction and operations with a blend of long-term and short-term debt.
Credit Risk Credit risk is the risk to TI Corp that a counterparty to a financial instrument will cause a financial loss by failing to discharge an obligation.