Ticket Counters definition
Examples of Ticket Counters in a sentence
Gates, Ticket Counters, Baggage Areas, office space, storage areas, concourses, lobbies, VIP lounges, international arrivals areas, employee break rooms and public areas located within the “drip-line” of the passenger terminal building at the Airport.
Airline may paint Preferential Use Ticket Counters back wall assigned to it after first obtaining the Port’s approval of the paint color and back wall graphics, and Airline shall be responsible for all associated maintenance.
Airline’s payment of Rents pursuant to and in accordance with the Space Rental Agreement shall constitute payment of Airline Fees and Charges for use of the Affiliated Airline Premises, other than any use by Affiliated Airline of Per Use Gates or Per Use Ticket Counters.
The Company’s use of the Shared Equipment, Airline Shared Space, Airline Gate Areas, Ticket Counters, Operations Area and other facilities, operations, and equipment at the Airport shall be subject to such procedures, limitations, requirements, protocols, and/or operational guidelines as may be set forth in the Board’s Operational Manual, as the same may be amended, from time to time, in the reasonable discretion of the Chief Executive Officer during the term hereof (the “Operational Manual”).
All Gates within the Terminal and all Common Use Ticket Counters, free-standing self-service kiosks, and sky cap podiums within the XXXXX- Equipped Terminals at Airport are Common Use Premises.
The Company shall not be permitted to display any advertising signs or branding of any type upon or about the Airline Gate Areas and Ticket Counters; however, the Company shall be permitted to display its name, logo and/or its flight related information (or that of an Affiliate) on the designated gate information display screens and ticket information display screens furnished by the Board.
The General Liability Insurance Policy shall include Delta and all of its respective officers, employees and agents as additional insureds with respect to the Ticket Counters, Shared Equipment and hydrant fuel lines associated with the Airline Gate Areas.
During the first year of this Agreement and each year thereafter, following the annual assignment of Preferential Use Gates, Preferential Common Use Ticket Counters or other allocations or reallocations pursuant to the procedures herein, the Authority shall also retain any Exclusive Use Premises, Gates or Common Use Ticket Counters not assigned as Exclusive Use Premises, Preferential Use Gates or Preferential Common Use Ticket Counters, as Authority-Controlled Facilities.
In connection with the Company’s lease and use of the Airline Gate Areas, Ticket Counters, and Operations Area, the Company shall have the non-exclusive right to use the Shared Equipment and Airline Shared Space in common with other tenants at the Airport as may be assigned by the Board and subject to the provisions of this Agreement.
The Authority may reallocate such Gates or Common Use Ticket Counters using the methodology described in this Article until all Gates or Common Use Ticket Counters available for assignment as Preferential Use Gates or Preferential Common Use Ticket Counters are allocated to Airlines or rejected for assignment as a Preferential Use Gate or Preferential Common Use Ticket Counter.