Tikanga Maori definition

Tikanga Maori means Maori customary values and
Tikanga Maori means Māori customs and traditional values
Tikanga Maori means Māori customary values and practices.” Long-term Council Community Plan 73 Conditions and Criteria The Council will consider remitting rates on Māori freehold land that comes within the following criteria: The land is unoccupied and

Examples of Tikanga Maori in a sentence

  • Comfortable in the use of and affinity with, Te Reo Maori, and Tikanga Maori, and confident in Te Ao Maori including social and community environments.

  • Where staff member’s skill and knowledge of Te Reo and Tikanga Maori have been assessed by the Ministry of Education and a level of attainment set out in Ministry policy has been reached the dollar amounts set out below will be added to the individual’s salary.

  • Where employees provide skills in Tikanga Maori, Te Reo Maori in circumstances outside of their normal job requirements and where such duties are above and beyond the normal requirements of the employee, (for example the community has an expectation that someone from the University will attend an event) the University shall recognise such contributions where appropriate supporting information is provided.

  • Where employees are called upon by the University to use Tikanga Maori and Te Reo Maori in circumstances outside their job requirements and where such duties are above and beyond the normal requirements of the employee, the University may recognise such contributions either financially or otherwise.

  • The definition of Tikanga Maori in this Plan is the same as that in the Act, and is reproduced in the Interpretation in section 3 of the Plan.

  • The Law Commission’s preferred option now is for a duadic legal system which enables greater recognition of tikanga Maori within a single legal system so as ‘to develop a united single nation proud of, and eager to protect, our differences.’55 7.4 Tikanga Maori and statute law The executive and judicial branches of government are increasingly required to develop an understanding of tikanga Maori and an ability to apply those tikanga to particular situations that confront them.

  • Once a vacancy has been established, the Committee will identify the skills, knowledge and experience required for the position, including whether knowledge of Tikanga Maori may be of relevance to the governance of that CCO (as required by section 60(3) of the LGA 2002), with the assistance of CCO Governance and External Partnerships.

  • Comfortable in the use of and affinity with, Te Reo Maori, and Tikanga Maori, and confident in Te Ao Maori including social and community environments.b. TraitsAdopts healthy lifestyle practices including being Smokefree and Drugfree and recognises the importance of maintaining good physical, intellectual and spiritual healthc.

  • In addition to the list of principles and standards in this section, a further section three lists Tikanga Maori Principles and are offered to researchers, Iwi, Hapu and Whanau to interpret together according to their tikanga.

  • Tikanga Maori can never be the personal point of view of individual Maori advocating a particular outcome for a dispute in court proceedings.

Related to Tikanga Maori

  • Panchayat means an institution (by whatever name called) of self-government constituted under article 243B, for the rural areas;

  • IMRO means the Irish Music Rights Organisation CLG.

  • SORA means, in respect of any Singapore Business Day “i”, a reference rate equal to the daily Singapore Overnight Rate Average published by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (or a successor administrator), as the administrator of the benchmark, on the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s website currently at http://www.mas.gov.sg, or any successor website officially designated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (or as published by its authorised distributors) (the “Relevant Screen Page”) on the Singapore Business Day immediately following such Singapore Business Day “i”;

  • Parade means any procession or body of pedestrians, except members of the Armed Forces, numbering more than 30, standing, marching or walking on any street or sidewalk, or any group of vehicles numbering ten or more, except funeral processions, standing or moving on any street;

  • LHSIA means the Local Health System Integration Act, 2006, and the regulations made under it, as it and they may be amended from time to time;

  • Tabarru’ means donation for the purpose of solidarity and cooperation among the Takaful Participants and to be used to help all Takaful Participants in times of misfortune. In the context of the Company, Tabarru’ will be allocated into the Participants’ Risk Fund.

  • MVAR means megavolt ampere of reactive power.

  • Marihuana means that term as defined in section 7106 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.7106.

  • CJA means the Courts of Justice Act, RSO 1990, c C-43, as amended;

  • CSAM or "Credit Suisse" (or any combination thereof).

  • Industrial park means an area in a blighted or conservation area suitable for use by any manufacturing, industrial, research or transportation enterprise, of facilities to include but not be limited to factories, mills, processing plants, assembly plants, packing plants, fabricating plants, industrial distribution centers, warehouses, repair overhaul or service facilities, freight terminals, research facilities, test facilities or railroad facilities.

  • Pistol means any firearm with a barrel less than sixteen inches in length, or is designed to be held and fired by the use of a single hand.

  • SOFRi means the SOFR for:

  • snippet means a legally binding agreement (made pursuant to the provisions of this Framework Agreement) for the provision of Goods and Services made between a Contracting Body and the Supplier comprising of an Order Form and the Call-Off Terms as may be amended pursuant to Paragraph 3.1.2 of Framework Schedule 5 (Ordering Procedure);","size":50,"snippetLinks":[{"key":"legally-binding-agreement","type":"clause","offset":[8,33]},{"key":"the- provisions-of-this","type":"clause","offset":[52,74]},{"key":"framework-agreement","type":"definition","offset":[75,94]},{"key":"provision-of-goods-and-services","type":"clause","offset":[104,135]},{"key":"contracting-body","type":"definition","offset":[151,167]},{"key":"the-supplier","type":"clause","offset":[172,184]},{"key":"order-

  • WURA means the Winding-Up and Restructuring Act (Canada), as amended.

  • CBD means cannabidiol.

  • Sukuk means a type of Islamic bond that is backed by assets of the issuer that earn profit or rent.

  • Façade means the principal front or fronts of a building.

  • HARGA RIZAB Hartanah tersebut akan dijual “dalam keadaan xxxxx xxx” xxx tertakluk kepada satu harga rizab sebanyak RM270,000.00 (RINGGIT MALAYSIA DUA RATUS TUJUH PULUH RIBU SAHAJA) xxx tertakluk kepada Syarat-Syarat Jualan xxx kebenaran (jika perlu) daripada Pihak Pemaju/Xxxx Punya xxx/atau pihak-pihak xxxx xxxx berkenaan. Jualan hartanah tersebut akan dikenakan cukai berdasarkan mana-mana Akta terkini atau selepasnya yang dikuatkuasa oleh Kerajaan Malaysia yang mana berkenaan.

  • Raffle means a lottery in which the prize is won by (i) a random drawing of the name or

  • IOSCO means the International Organisation of Securities Commissions.

  • Motorway means a road specially designed and built for motor traffic, which does not serve properties bordering on it, and which:

  • ALI means a feature by which the service address associated with the calling party’s listed telephone number identified by ANI as defined herein, is forwarded to the PSAP for display. Additional telephones with the same number as the calling party’s, including secondary locations and off-premise extensions will be identified with the service address of the calling party’s listed number.

  • CORA means the Colorado Open Records Act, §§24-72-200.1 et. seq., C.R.S.

  • B-BBEE means broad-based black economic empowerment as defined in section 1 of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act;

  • Campfire means a small outdoor fire intended for recreation or cooking not including a fire intended for disposal of waste wood or refuse.