Examples of Time of application in a sentence
Time of application of Soil treatment should start when foundation trenches and pits are ready to take bed concrete/ levelling course in foundations.
See section 4217 and the regula- tions thereunder in this subpart for ap- plication and computation of tax in case of leased articles.(g) Time of application of tax.
Each part of the area treated shall receive the prescribed dosage of chemical Time of application.
Time of application may also be considered.2. If a student is approved for a private room after the beginning of the term, the cost of the private room will be prorated for the time remaining in the current term.
You need to probe for pesticides applied at each crop stage as a farmer could make more than 1 application at each stage.] * Time of application can either be in terms of days after seeding (DAS) or crop stage.
Time of application Applicant must pay the applicable fees shown in the Fee Schedule when submitting the appli-cation; OSHA will not begin processing until fees are received.Publication of preliminary notice Applicant must pay remainder of fees; OSHA cancels application if fees are not paid when due.
The tax on the use of an article to which paragraph (c)(1) of this sec- tion applies shall not apply to use of the article by such person as material in the manufacture or production of, or as a component part of, another article to be manufactured or produced by the same user.(3) Time of application of tax.
Time of application (T)N rate kg ha-1Where, R= rate, T= timing of application, T1= full dose at sowing, T2= full dose at tillering, T3=½ dose at sowing + ½ dose at tillering.
First, we tested for GC between the solar prices and the electricity options markets.
Time of application for zonal geraniums is when growth is 1-1/2 to 2 inches long; for seed geraniums, 2 to 4 weeks after transplanting or when needed.Berati will reduce late stretch when applied as the flower stems begin to elongate.Drench applications, although effective, should be made with caution due to the extreme sensitivity of geraniums to Berati.