Examples of Time Release in a sentence
Suggested Approach/Means • "Through the WCO Time Release Study: Guide to Measure the Time Required for the Release of Goods, the WCO has guidelines in place to help (...) measure the time required for releasing and clearing of goods.
An employee on District and OSEA approved OSEA Time Release Leave shall suffer no loss in wages, benefits, or other rights during the duration of such leave and the costs of the employee’s wages and benefits during the duration of such leave shall be reimbursed to the District by the Union within thirty (30) days of receipt of a District billing for such costs.
WCO Time Release Study (TRS) is a unique tool and method for measuring the actual performance of Customs.
Instructional Release Time Release time as defined in current VCCS policy, in instructional reassigned time is defined as non-teaching duties translated into teaching credits for the purpose of computing a 9-month or 12-month teaching faculty member’s regular semester teaching load and, if applicable, overload credit hours.
An essential WCO tool for this purpose is the Time Release Study (TRS).
Physical infrastructures should be organized to facilitate smooth movement of goods carrying vehicles and efforts must be undertaken to identify potential sources of bottlenecks (i.e. through a Time Release Study).
Employees participating in the OSEA Time Release Program are not entitled to District reimbursement for travel, meals, or lodging.
Nitec AG and Merck KGaA as of October 1st, 2004 have concluded a Technology Transfer Agreement (“TTA”) under which the rights of Merck's development activities regarding the medicinal product Prednison Night Time Release for the indication rheumatoid arthritis have been transferred to Nitec AG.
Time Release GuidelinesTime release is available to seniors only.
Nitec AG and Merck KGaA as of October 1st, 2004 have concluded a Technology Transfer Agreement (“TTA”) under which the rights of Merck’s development activities regarding the medicinal product Prednison Night Time Release for the indication rheumatoid arthritis have been transferred to Nitec AG.