Appeal means a request for a review of the Floodplain Administrator's interpretation of any provision of this ordinance.
Appeals Tribunal or “AT” means the Body responsible for hearing and determining appeals set out in section 9;
Appeal Board means the State Charter School Appeal
Appeals Board means the commissioners and deputy commissioners of the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board acting en banc, in panels, or individually.
Appeal authority means the executive authority of the municipality or any other body or institution outside of the municipality authorised by that municipality to assume the obligations of an appeal authority for purposes of appeals lodged in terms of the Act;
Reviewing Authority means the Alberta Securities Commission.
Appeal Tribunal means the all-citizen Tribunal duly appointed by Council to conduct hearings under this By-law; (200-08)
Board of appeals means the local board of appeals as created by local ordinance.
Appeal Committee means the appeal committee established by the Council in terms of section 12(3)(a);
Competent Supervisory Authority means a supervisory authority which has jurisdiction in relation to the activities of a controller or processor under European data protection law in a particular Member State;
Appeals Committee means a Committee or Tribunal duly appointed by by-law to conduct hearings under this By-law;
Accounting Authority means the Board of PRASA;
Claimant means a person or entity who or which submits a Claim Form to the Claims Administrator seeking to be eligible to share in the proceeds of the Settlement Fund.
Expedited Appeal means if a Member appeals a decision regarding a denied request for Prior Authorization (Pre-Service Claim) for an Urgent Care Claim, the Member or Member’s Authorized Representative can request an Expedited Appeal, either orally or in writing. Decisions regarding an Expedited Appeal are generally made within seventy-two (72) hours from the Plan’s receipt of the request.
Court of Appeal means the division of the Supreme Court referred to in section 7(1)(b);
Election Commission means the Election Commission appointed by the President under article 324;
Adjudicating Authority or “NCLT” shall mean the Hon’ble Chennai Bench of the National Company Law Tribunal;
Notice of Appeal means a notice given pursuant to Condition 6.2.
Appeal Panel means a panel comprised of a chair and two individuals appointed by the Board to consider appeals under Chapter 7.
Reconsideration means review by the director of an insurer’s Notice of Closure.
Appointing authority means the head of an employing unit authorized by ordinance or City Charter to employ others on behalf of the City, or a designated management representative. The term includes and can be used interchangeably with department head, department director, superintendent, and chief.
Denial means the process of refusing to grant a license after OCCL receives an application. This constitutes refusal of permission to operate.
Review means a financial or operational audit, investigation, inspection or other form of review requested or required by the Funder under the terms of the Enabling Legislation or this Agreement, but does not include the annual audit of the HSP’s financial statements;
Successful Respondent means an organization that receives a grant award as a result of this RFA. May also be referred to as "Grantee, ""Awarded Applicant," "Subrecipient" or "Grant Recipient."
Adverse Benefit Determination means any of the following:
Contract Awarding Authority means the Board of Supervisors or the individual authorized by the Board of Supervisors to enter into contracts on behalf of the County.