Tip line definition

Tip line means a statewide resource designed to accept information concerning threats to student safety or potential threats to student safety through methods of transmission including:
Tip line means a system designed to accept telephonic and online submissions from members of the public concerning incidences of suspected noncompliance with this Order for review by the Auditor.

Examples of Tip line in a sentence

  • Anonymous reports may be made on the anonymous Wave Tip line by calling voice mail at(310) 506-7634 or on the LiveSafe app.

  • Tip line have been allocated for stakeholders so that they can convey any act or situation that contradicts with the legislation or that is unethical to the Audit Committee through the Presidency of the Inspection Board.

  • OpenGov does not warranty that the Licensed Products will satisfy or may be customized to satisfy all of Customer's requirements.

  • ACRIMe users may manually query commercial databases to gather additional information on persons suspected of illegal activity pursuant to calls received by the Communications Center and Tip- line Modules and inquiries processed through the NCIC Section Module.

  • The Anonymous Bullying Report Form can be found at https://www.browardschools.com/cms/lib/FL01803656/Centricity/Domain/5952/Bullying-Anonymous-Report-Form.pdfCall the Emergency/Silence Hurts Tip line at (754) 321-0911; send an email to school911@browardschools.com or text SBBC (space) plus the message to CRIME (274637).

  • THE SAFER OHIO SCHOOLS TIP LINE The Ohio School Safety Center maintains the Safer Ohio School Tip line (844-SAFEROH) with 24/7 operations (call of text) at no cost to schools and communities.

  • In the latter case, the search for falsity-claims might appear contrary to the logical purpose of preserving truth, just as it may seem irrational for a football team to play by intending to score own goals.

  • To assist students, parents, and community, the District has a 100% anonymous Tip line viaGoogle Forms in place on the C-M website for reporting violent behavior or information about bullying, drug use, vaping, suspicious or potential criminal activity, or any other important information they need to share.

  • Tip line processes generally consist of receiving a tip through a phone or internet system, recording the tip, and then disseminating it for follow-up.

  • Additionally, reporters may use the Tip line or call in the necessary information in conjunction with submitting an Event Report.

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