Title XIX Medicaid definition
Examples of Title XIX Medicaid in a sentence
The Department of Social Services, Missouri Medicaid Audit and Compliance Unit is charged by federal and state law with the responsibility of identifying, investigating, and referring to law enforcement officials cases of suspected fraud or abuse of the Title XIX Medicaid Program by either providers or participants.
More information is available in the Technical Assistance fact sheet, Collecting and Reporting the CAHPS Survey as Required Under the CHIPRA: https://www.medicaid.gov/medicaid/quality-of- care/downloads/cahpsfactsheet.pdf If a state would like to provide CAHPS data on both Medicaid and CHIP enrollees, the agency must sample Title XIX (Medicaid) and Title XXI (CHIP) programs separately and submit separate results to CMS to fulfill the CHIPRA Requirement.
Full-benefit dual eligible individuals are defined as those eligible for comprehensive Title XIX Medicaid benefits as well as eligible for Medicare Part D.
The facility must notify each resident receiving medical assistance under Title XIX, Medicaid, when the amount in the resident’s account reaches two hundred dollars ($200) less than the SSI resource limit and five hundred dollars ($500), less than the Medicaid resource limit, to remain eligible for Medicaid long term care benefits.
RIte Care is the health care delivery program through which the State of Rhode Island serves the RI Works and RI Works-related portions of its Title XIX (Medicaid) population, uninsured pregnant women and children under age nineteen living in households that meet specified eligibility criteria, and other specific eligible populations as designated by the State.
The Contractor shall provide medically necessary Title XIX (Medicaid) behavioral health services to all members in accordance with AHCCCS policies and 9 A.A.C. 28, Article 11.
AHCCCS is Arizona’s Title XIX Medicaid program operating under an 1115 Waiver and Title XXI program operating under Title XXI State Plan authority.
Title XIX (Medicaid): Title 42, United States Code, Chapter 7, subchapter XIX, as amended.
The ICF/IID must notify each resident receiving medical assistance under Title XIX, Medicaid, when the amount in the resident’s account reaches two hundred dollars ($200.00) less than the supplemental security income (SSI) resource limit and five hundred dollars ($500.00) less than the Medicaid resource limit to remain eligible for Medicaid long-term care benefits.
Dual Eligible SNPs (D-SNPs) enroll beneficiaries who are entitled to both Medicare (Title XVIII) and Medical Assistance from a State Plan under Title XIX (Medicaid), and offer the opportunity of enhanced benefits by combining those available through Medicare and Medicaid.