Examples of To defraud in a sentence
Employees are not permitted, in connection with the purchase or sale, directly or indirectly, of a security held or to be acquired by a client: • To defraud such client in any manner; • To engage in any act, practice or course of conduct which operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon such a client; • To engage in any manipulative practice with respect to such client; or • To engage in any manipulative practice with respect to securities, including price manipulation.
S .).( k ) E ve ry pe r so n i n w h ose na m e a Ce r t ific a t e ( P e r fo r m an ce) ha s bee n is- s u ed s ha ll be dee m ed t o be r espo n sible fo r any un e arn ed p a ss a ge m o n e y o r de- posi t s i n t h e han ds of i t s a ge n t s o r of any o t h e r pe r so n o r o r g an iza t io n au- t h o r ized b y t h e ce r t ific an t t o sell t h e ce r t ific an t ’s t ic k e t s.
To defraud the trust of partici-T ⇔ M, RT )Step 28 From (C26), (C27) and (R1), weknow:| ≡ | ∼ { ⇔ ⇔XT M XHSX(C30) M T T M, T M,MSpants, Att intercepts, deletes or tamperswith the communication messages over a public and unknown-security channel.
In case any part or parts of the mortgaged property or any interest therein shall be taken under any condemnation or eminent domain proceedings, the net proceeds realized by the Company therefrom shall be treated in the same manner as though realized from a voluntary sale of such property under the provisions hereof.
I will remind you of the definitions of “injury” and “fraud.” To defraud means to deprive a person of property or any interest, estate, or right by deceit, artifice, trickery or cheat.
To defraud is to deprive by deceit, that is, to induce a course of action.
To defraud is any intentional action or omission that causes damage to the company carried out by deceitful means or an abuse of trust.
To defraud in this context means to injure or prejudice the rights of another.
To defraud the United States, the conspirators, in addition to the bidrigging, submitted (through the performing contractors, Harbert-Jones on Contracts 20A and 07, and SUSA on Contract 29) certifications in which they falsely represented that no one had been compensated in order to obtain the contract (R1- 1-¶¶ 6(y), (z), (aa), (bb), (cc)).
Calendar4HOnline will open October 1 for families to re-enroll current 4-H members and enroll new 4-H members for the 2020 4-H year.