TOC definition
Examples of TOC in a sentence
Weekly TOC for this Announcement NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) NIH...
For total TOC, total HAP, or benzene, compliance with the applicable control requirements of 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart HH.
The CO and TOC limits are the same as for normal operation, and are intended to ensure that good combustion conditions are maintained.
Line outages will be discussed with the SOC and TOC and the assumption is made that line outages will be executed as planned.
Applicable Compliance Method: The permittee may determine the annual total TOC (excludes methane and ethane), total HAP,or benzene emissions using the appropriate methods identified in 40 CFR 63.772 and/or GRI-GLYCalcTM model, Version 3.0 or higher, and the procedures presented in the associated GRI-GLYCalcTM Technical Reference Manual.