(n) definition
(n) option means to not actually do the update, but merely to display statuses; the ‘-q’ option avoids printing the name of each directory. For more information on the update command, and these options, see Appendix B [Invoking CVS], page 123.
(n) workman' means any persons who is engaged as an apprentice as defined in the Apprentices Act, 1961, and who in the course of his apprenticeship training is employed in any such capacity as is specified in Schedule II",
(n) in addition to the grade means that this circuit is also homologated for night races for motorcycles not equipped with lights. A small “t” attached to the grade means that this circuit is homologated for TESTS only. The grade will be stated on the circuit licence.
More Definitions of (n)
(n) young farmer” means a person who is no more than 40 years of age at the moment of submitting the application, possesses adequate occupational skills and competence and is setting up for the first time in an agricultural holding as head of that holding; the setting up may be done solely or jointly with other farmers, irrespective of its legal form;’;
(n) . Break’ means any period during which a driver may not carry out any driving or any other work and which is used exclusively for recuperation;
(n) . Health profession’ means allopathic medicine,
(n) company’ means the owner of a ro-ro passenger ship or any other organisation or person, such as the manager or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed responsibility for operating the passenger ship from the owner.’;
(n) transit' shall mean the crossing of the Community territory which is carried out without loading or unloading of goods and/or without picking up of passengers nor setting them down in the Community territory."26
(n) operator’ means the legal entity or physical person who has assumed the responsibility for the operation of the ship”;
(n) constituent nation’ means England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland, as the case may be;