Examples of Total Flight Hours in a sentence
This iscomputed as Total Flight Hours .# Z Code Events Hours in Month – The number of hours in a given month.
The Parties agree there is no guarantee that the UN shall require the Operator to provide all or any of the Estimated Flight Hours and that the UN shall only pay the Operator up to the Total Flight Hours Cost for Actual Flight Hours provided to the UN.
Comparison based on 233 Total Flight Hours The chart below compares Aeronautics’ round trip flight costs for the King Air C90 (in blue) and the King Air 350 (in red) to the charter average flight cost (in green) for the same trips.
OF HELICOPTERS: Single engine 31 n.a. Twin engine 4 n.a. --------------- --------------- Total Helicopter Fleet 35 n.a. =============== =============== Total Flight Hours 5,061 n.a. =============== =============== SEACOR SMIT INC.
Comparison based on 206 Total Flight Hours The chart below compares Aeronautics’ round trip flight costs for the King Air C90 (in blue) and the King Air 350 (in red) against the charter average flight cost (in green) for the same trips.