Examples of Total Minutes in a sentence
The Service Availability “Uptime” will generally be equal to or greater than 99.7% in each calendar month and the Service will perform in substantial conformance with the Product Specifications (“Service Level”), except for Excluded Downtime, where “Uptime” = (Total Minutes – Unplanned Downtime – Excluded Downtime) / (Total Minutes – Excluded Downtime) x 100.
The Availability Requirement will be calculated for the Service Period as follows: (Actual Uptime) ÷ (Scheduled Uptime – Total Minutes in Service Period Services are not Available Due to an Exception) x 100 = Availability.
The Availability Requirement will be calculated for the Service Period as follows: (Actual Uptime – Total Minutes in Service Period Hosted Services are not Available Due to an Exception) ÷ (Scheduled Uptime – Total Minutes in Service Period Hosted Services are not Available Due to an Exception) x 100 = Availability.
The Service availability “Uptime” will generally be equal to or greater than 99.7% in each calendar month and the Service will perform in substantial conformance with the Product Specifications (“Service Level”), except for Excluded Downtime, where “Uptime” = (Total Minutes – Unplanned Downtime – Excluded Downtime) / (Total Minutes – Excluded Downtime) x 100.
Availability is calculated as a percentage of 100% total minutes per calendar month as follows: Total Minutes in Calendar Month – Excused Outages – Non-Excused Outages* X 100 > Availability Target Total – Excused Outages Note: The availability calculation is based on the entire calendar month regardless of the Service start date.