Total Receipts definition
Examples of Total Receipts in a sentence
Add the amount of Total Receipts previously reported, if any, and enter the amount in Column B, Calendar Year-to-Date.Disbursements2A.
The beginning cash balance of a report must always be the same as the ending cash balance of the prior report.Total Receipts: Enter the amount from Total Receipts in Column A of the Summary page.Subtotal: Add Cash Balance Beginning of Report to Total Receipts and enter the amount.Total Disbursements: Enter the amount from Total Disbursements in Column A of the Summary page.Cash Balance End of Report: Subtract Total Disbursements from Subtotal and enter the amount.
Yes No If yes, to to Section J3 In-Kind Donations not Considered Contributions and complete required information.Subpart 1:Was this fundraiser a tag sale, auction, or other sale of donated items with purchases from an individual of up to $100?Yes No (If yes, enter Total Receipts here.) Total of Section J1 II.
Add the amount entered in Column A to other income previously reported for this calendar year, if any, and enter the amount in Column B, Calendar Year-to-Date.Total Receipts: Add the amounts entered on lines 1-A, 1-B and 1-C, in Column A and enter the total in Total Receipts.
No (If yes, go to Section L3 Purchases of Advertising Space in a Program Book or on a Sign and complete required information.)Subpart 3: (Town Committees ONLY) Did your committee sell food or beverage at a fair or similar mass gathering held within the state with this fundraiser?Yes No (If yes, enter Total Receipts here.) Total of Section L1 II.