Available Revenues definition

Available Revenues means all monies on deposit from time to time (including investment earnings thereon) in (a) the PILOTS Account; and (b) subject to annual appropriation, the EATS Account that have been appropriated to the repayment of TIF Notes, excluding (i) any amount paid under protest until the protest is withdrawn or resolved against the taxpayer or (ii) any sum received by the City which is the subject of a suit or other claim communicated to the City which suit or claim challenges the collection of such sum.
Available Revenues means all monies on deposit from time to time (including
Available Revenues means the amount of money resulting from the levy of this Special Tax authorized by this Measure after deduction of authorized charges for services provided by the County of Alameda and the City of Berkeley for the preparation and collection of the tax, legal and audit fees, and less two percent (2%) of the remaining revenues which shall be dedicated to support of the Planning and Oversight Committee, School Site Councils and Community Engagement, and for communications and public information services.

Examples of Available Revenues in a sentence

  • The Authority may further offset any such obligation against Available Revenues as available.

  • The Authority shall keep, maintain, and apply the Available Revenues as required to pay the Authority’s Reimbursement Obligation.

  • Subject to the foregoing the Developer therefore agrees to assume the risk that insufficient Available Revenues will be generated to reimburse all Reimbursable Project Costs.

  • From and after such pledge, the Available Revenues, when and as received by the Authority shall be subject to the lien of such pledge without any physical delivery, filing, or further act.

  • If required in connection with Developer’s Financing, the Authority will by a separate instrument irrevocably pledge to pay the Available Revenues to in support of the Developer’s Financing, or to a trustee if so directed pursuant to such separate instrument; provided, however, that the Authority shall not be required to pledge Available Revenues from any portion of the Property that is not then owned or controlled by the Developer.

More Definitions of Available Revenues

Available Revenues means all money on deposit from time to time (including investment earnings thereon) in (a) the PILOTS Account, (b) subject to annual appropriation, the EATS Account and the District Revenues Account, and (c) all money in any other account of the Special Allocation Fund into which money that has been appropriated to the repayment of the TIF Obligations has been deposited, excluding in each case (i) any amount paid under protest until the protest is withdrawn or resolved against the taxpayer, or (ii) any sum received by the City or the District that is the subject of a suit or other claim communicated to the City or the District which suit or claim challenges the collection of such sum.
Available Revenues means revenues credited to the general fund and the road fund consistent with the provisions of KRS 48.120, as well as any restricted agency fund account from which debt service is expended, minus any statutorily dedicated receipts of the respective funds.
Available Revenues means the amount of money provided by this Measure after deduction of authorized collection charges by the county or city for collection of the tax and two percent (2%) of Special Tax revenues for public information, translation services for District families and support of the Planning and Oversight Committee.
Available Revenues means the moneys and revenues of the Board legally available under the Act to make the Lease Payments.
Available Revenues means, for any Fiscal Year, any balances of the City from previous Fiscal Years encumbered to pay Rent, amounts budgeted or appropriated by the City for such Fiscal Year plus any unencumbered balances of the City from previous Fiscal Years that are legally available to pay Rent during such Fiscal Year, plus all moneys and investments, including earnings thereon, held by the Trustee pursuant to the Declaration of Trust.
Available Revenues means (a) all monies on deposit in the PILOTs Account of the Special Allocation Fund; (b) all monies on deposit in the EATs Account of the Special Allocation Fund that have been appropriated to the repayment of the TIF Notes, excluding (i) any amount paid under protest until the protest is withdrawn or resolved against the taxpayer or (ii) any sum received by the City which is the subject of a suit or other claim communicated to the City which suit or claim challenges the collection of such sum.
Available Revenues means, with respect to any period for which such calculation is being made, the amount of cash or other assets, including in connection with any Capital Transaction, available for distribution by the Partnership as determined by the General Partner in accordance with this Agreement and each Partnership Unit Designation, and including without limitation any Facilities Portfolio Available Revenues and any Capital Transaction Proceeds.