Transcript means a printed verbatim reproduction of everything said on the record during a hearing or other official proceeding.
Transcript means the Transcript of Proceedings relating to the authorization and issuance of the Bonds.
Transcript means a formal document certifying and documenting a student's or former student's achievement of state standards and at minimum includes the student's name, date of birth, last known address, years of attendance, courses taken, grades or proficiencies achieved, out-of-school learning opportunities if applicable, and diploma or certificate of completion awarded.
Examples of Transcript in a sentence
Other student work data -Please specify: Transcript Student course grades ✔ Student course data Student course grades/ performance scores Other transcript data - Please specify: Transportation Student bus assignment ✔ Student pick up and/or drop off location ✔ Student bus card ID number Other transportation data – Please specify: Other Please list each additional data element used, stored, or collected by your application: None No Student Data collected at this time.
More Definitions of Transcript
Transcript means a typed or printed verbatim record of the
Transcript means the official recorded testimony from a hearing or public remarks from a Board meeting.
Transcript means a typewritten, printed, or electronic transcription of oral proceedings before a trial court or agency.
Transcript means the Transcript of Proceedings relating to the authorization and delivery of the Certificates.
Transcript means the same as Academic Record.
Transcript means a printed verbatim reproduction of everything said on the record during a hear- ing or other official proceeding.
Transcript means a typed or printed verbatim record of the proceedings or reproduction thereof.