Transit Corridor definition
Examples of Transit Corridor in a sentence
The sbX E Street Corridor Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project has evolved as the highest priority corridor identified in the System-Wide Transit Corridor Plan for the San Bernardino Valley.Bus Purchase: In order to provide service to the E Street Corridor a total of fourteen 60’ articulated buses will be purchased.Vehicle Maintenance Facility Modifications: A 4.4-acre facility maintaining and servicing the Omnitrans’ bus fleet, comprised of over 160 buses.
This study was recommended by consultants that produced the Waco Rapid Transit Corridor Feasibility Study.
In the case of vessels that will transit the IBF High Risk Area outside of the east bound and west bound lanes created under the International Recommended Transit Corridor (IRTC), seafarers have the right not to proceed with the passage.
Over the past four years, the sbX E Street Corridor Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project has evolved as the highest priority corridor identified in the System-Wide Transit Corridor Plan for the San Bernardino Valley.
Jane Street south of Major Mackenzie Drive is also planned as a Regional Rapid Transit Corridor, which will provide service to this area.
Major Mackenzie Drive is planned to be a Regional Rapid Transit Corridor in this location, providing a ready link to the nearby GO station, municipal civic centre and York Central Hospital in Richmond Hill, as well as to many neighbourhoods within Vaughan.
After execution, the property owner can then begin work in the Transit Corridor.
Specific attention will be paid to impacts on implementation of the Regionally Significant Corridor (RSC), Regional Active Transportation Corridors (RATC), and Regional Transit Corridor (RTC) networks.Overall Impact/Intent:This Work Task improves the local planning coordination through early and comprehensive reviews by the transportation planning and implementing agencies.
Maritime Security Transit CorridorThe Maritime Security Transit Corridor (MSTC) is a military established corridor upon which naval forces focus their presence and surveillance efforts.
In conjunction with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Union Naval Force, ships from CTF 151 patrol in the Somali Basin and the Internationally Recommended Transit Corridor in the Gulf of Aden.