Transmission Use of System definition
Examples of Transmission Use of System in a sentence
PC6.4.3 Committed Project Planning Data When the offer for a Connection Agreement and/or Transmission Use of System Agreement is accepted, the data relating to the User's development submitted as Preliminary Project Planning Data and data required or received subsequently by the TSO under this PC shall have the status of Committed Project Planning Data.
EirGrid shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure actual metering data is used to determine Transmission Use of System Charges, however should metering data be unavailable to EirGrid or the data provider, estimated data will be used.
These charges do not form part of the Transmission Use of System revenue requirement.
The term and termination provisions as set out in the General Conditions in respect of Transmission Use of System Agreements shall apply to this Transmission Use of System Agreement.
Distribution Loss FactorsThe application of Distribution Loss Factors is necessary to adjust Transmission Use of System charges to account for Distribution System losses for Users that are connected to the Distribution System.
Transmission Use of System (TUOS) prices are initially set to achieve the annual revenue cap.
The Transmission Use of System Agreement will take precedence in the event of any inconsistency with this Charging Statement.
These charges would typically consist of] to reflect Transmission Use of System [Charges (TUOS), line loss charges,](TUoS) costs, cost of losses, administration and service [charges]costs and where applicable connection costs.
Transmission Use of System Charges and any variations are and will be calculated in accordance the Tariff Schedules and Statement of Charges approved by the CER.
Transmission Use of System Charges for Generator ImportsTariff CodeTable 3: Generator Import Charges Note.