Transnet definition

Transnet means Transnet SOC Ltd, a State Owned Company; and
Transnet means Transnet Limited, the company contemplated in section 2 of the Legal Succession Act;
Transnet. ’ means Transnet Limited, a company duly incorporated in terms of section 2 of the Legal Succession Act.

Examples of Transnet in a sentence

  • Transnet reserves the right to withdraw an award, or cancel a contract concluded with a Bidder should it be established, at any time, that a bidder has been restricted with National Treasury by another government institution.

  • The process of restriction is used to exclude a company/person from conducting future business with Transnet and other organs of state for a specified period.

  • Any improvements, developments, adaptations and/or modifications to the Foreground Intellectual Property, and any and all new inventions or discoveries, based on or resulting from the use of Transnet’s Background Intellectual Property and/or Confidential Information shall be exclusively owned by Transnet.

  • The Supplier/Service Provider shall promptly reimburse Transnet for any premiums paid provided such insurance protects the Supplier/Service Provider’s liability.

  • The Supplier/Service Provider shall disclose promptly to Transnet all such improvements, developments, adaptations and/or modifications, inventions or discoveries.

More Definitions of Transnet

Transnet means Transnet (Ltd) registration No. 1990/00900/06.
Transnet means Transnet SOC Ltd Registration No: 1990/000900/30.
Transnet means Transnet SOC Ltd and any operating division thereof, as may be applicable from time to time;
Transnet means Transnet SOC(Ltd) registration No. 1990/00900/30.
Transnet means Transnet Limited, formed and incorporated in terms of section 2 of the Legal Succession to the South African Transport Services Act, 1989 (Act No. 9 of 1989);
Transnet. ’ means Transnet Limited, a company duly incorporated in terms of section 2 of the Legal Succession to the South African Transport Services Act, 1989 (Act No. 9 of 1989), and any of its subsidiary companies.
Transnet means Transnet SOC Ltd, the company contemplated in Section 2 of the Legal Succession to the South African Transport Services Act, No. 9 of 1989; and