MSC definition
Examples of MSC in a sentence
Each of the Government, the MSC and the BCMA acknowledges and agrees that the sharing of relevant information and data in a timely way is critically important to the achievement of the objectives established in this Agreement and to the administration of the Medicare Protection Act.
Failing a consensus decision the Shared Care Committee may make more than one set of recommendations on a particular topic or, in the case of a decision that is required of the Shared Care Committee, the Government and/or the BCMA may make recommendations to the MSC and the MSC, or its successor, will determine the matter.
If the MSC introduces any change to the medical services that are benefits under the Medicare Protection Act, it will provide at least 30 days’ notice of such change to all physicians enrolled in the MSP.
If the Specialist Services Committee cannot reach a consensus decision with respect to any matter that is referred to it under section 5.6(d) and that requires a determination, the Physician Services Committee will determine a process for resolving the dispute, which may include referral to the Adjudication Committee or the MSC.
However, the MSC will endeavour to follow the recommendations of the Reference Committee.