Treasury Auction definition
Examples of Treasury Auction in a sentence
Treasury Auction Filing Treasury security reports need only be filed with the Federal Reserve Bank in connection with the purchase of government securities in a Treasury Auction.
ClariVest monitors U.S. government securities purchased by ClariVest in a Treasury auction that might trigger Treasury Auction filings and ClariVest is responsible for deciding when such reports must be filed on ClariVest’s behalf.
Treasury Auction: The most recent auction of Treasury Bills prior to a given Reset Date.
This is one tool that increases a dealer’s capacity to undertake market-making activity, providing depth and liquidity to the market, which 6 See New York Fed, The Treasury Auction Process: Objectives, Structure, and Recent Adaptations, Current Issues in Economics and Finance (Feb.
Ten-year government notes sold 2.250% at a recent auction, see Treasury Auction Results, (last visited Mar.
Figure 12 illustrates how the particular credit program, the TAF (Treasury Auction Facility), left the total of Reserve Bank credit (the asset side of the Fed’s balance sheet) unchanged.
At the close of the Treasury Auction, the U.S. Treasury awards all non- competitive bids that comply with the Auction rules.
This was the time that Salomon Brothers was embroiled in the Treasury Auction scandal in the U.S. (see Jegadeesh (1993)).
McAdams, “Mechanism Choice and Strategic Bidding in Divisible Good Auctions: An Empirical Analysis of the Turkish Treasury Auction Market,” JPE, October 2010, 833-65.
One of the most important reporting requirements for the auctions is in regard to the NLPs. All Primary dealers bidding in Treasury Auction must comply with NLP Requirements.