Tribal child definition
Examples of Tribal child in a sentence
Examples of such agreements could include:• A written agreement with another Tribal department to operate Tribal child care centers or to conduct training and monitoring• A contract with a local agency to operate the Tribal Lead Agency’s child care program (including determining family eligibility and issuing payments to child care providers or providing high-quality activities).
For new Tribal Lead Agencies entering outside the Plan cycle, the child count will be submitted with their CCDF Plan.The Tribal child count will be effective from October 1, 2022, to September 30, 2025, and will be valid for 3 years.
The submitted report helps to tell the CCDF Tribal child care “story.” The data are essential for demonstrating the accomplishments of Tribal child care programs.
It is intended that the authority conferred upon DSS workers by this Agreement is to be exercised when Tribal child welfare workers are unavailable.
Waivers of any other regulatory requirements are not included because we have determined that these are essential to the administration of successful Tribal child support enforcement programs.
These conflicting policies trickle down to tribes, impacting the child welfare systems operated by tribes.E. Pressures on Tribal Child Welfare Systems to Westernize Tribal child welfare and court systems are operated byhundreds of tribes, and are continuously growing in quantity, size, and sophistication.
We have determined that in order to fulfill our responsibility to ensure the effective and efficient administration of Federally-assisted Tribal child support enforcement programs, it is essential that Tribes and Tribal organizations consider and articulate performance targets or goals for their programs.
These two enforcement mechanisms are critical to improving the services provided by Tribal child support enforcement agencies.Proposal: Amend the Social Security Act and the Internal Revenue Code to permit child support enforcement agencies to offset tax refunds for past-due payments and to access the same parent locator database available to State child support agencies.
Tribal child welfare personnel are invited and encouraged to attend.
Child care providers that are open and serving families, including:• Licensed child care centers.• Family homes and group homes.• Tribal child care.• Provisionally licensed (disaster relief child care centers) created under EO 2020-117.• Head Start and GSRP programs that also provide tuition-based child care (wrap-around child care for the program day is not considered tuition-based child care).