Examples of Tribal courts in a sentence
State and Tribal courts and State and Tribal child-welfare agencies are encouraged to work cooperatively to ensure that dismissal and transfer of information proceeds expeditiously and that the welfare of the Indian child is protected.
Eligible applicants include State, local, and Tribal courts (including juvenile courts); Tribal governments; units of local government, and nonprofit, nongovernmental victim services programs, including community-based organizations.
In several lawsuits to which the United States was not party, defendant mining and milling companies sought to enjoin Tribal courts from asserting jurisdiction in lawsuits claiming harm to Tribal members or their property from radioactivity as a result of mining or milling operations that took place on Indian lands.
Tribal courts should…Educate state judges on tribal law and federal Indian law.
Tribal courts are not connected to or overseen by the Oregon Judicial Department.
Tribal courts have plenary criminal jurisdiction over Indians6 who commit crimes in Indian country.
Key partners can include law enforcement; pretrial services; risk and needs assessment experts; diversion, prevention, and treatment providers; juvenile justice; tribal prosecutors; tribal court services and defense counsel; detention facilities; community corrections; re-entry coordinators; community planners and facility managers; and traditional leaders.Examples of projects that can be supported are as follows: Tribal courts.
PA #3 projects that incorporate a research component will receive special consideration.Examples of projects that can be supported are as follows: Tribal courts.
He provided his view of the barriers to improving safety in Indian Country: lack of funds for Tribal courts, fatigue in applying for discretionary grants because the money does not go where it is needed, high crime rates against Native American women, limited number of police officers, overburdened court systems, and lack of jail space.
Tribal courts have jurisdiction over offenses committed by Indians on the Reservation, but the Federal courts have jurisdiction over non-Indians committing any offense on the Reservation and over felonies committed by Indians on the Reservation.