Type B packaging definition
Examples of Type B packaging in a sentence
In addition to packagings authorized by the Hazardous Materials Regulations, each person who offers for transportation a Type A quantity of radioactive materials also may use a commercially procured Type A packaging, a package qualified as a Type A packaging per DOT Specification 7A (49 CFR 178) by an evaluation and testing program approved by the Headquarters Certifying Official, or a Type B packaging certified by the Headquarters Certifying Official or NRC.
In addition to the accident condition tests for Type B packaging, fissile material packaging designs for air transport must remain subcritical after being subjected to enhanced puncture, thermal, and drop tests in addition to the 10 CFR§ 71.73 free drop and crush tests.
This Bulletin has been sent to you as an Agreement State license radiographer who is transporting, or offering for transport, materials in Type B packaging.
The proposed rule would also affect any licensee that ships other nuclear wastes listed in § 71.97, namely, certain licensed material that is: (a) Required to be transported in Type B packaging; (b) being transported to or across a State boundary enroute to a disposal facility or to a collection point(AEA), nor the notification regulations for transport to a disposal facility; andrequired licensees to notify Native American Tribes of this type of shipment passing through their Tribal reservations.
However, the action requires continued efforts to further examine the domestic regulatory landscape that hinders the return of disused sources to foreign suppliers and the loss of Type B packaging status.
Section 34.31(a), (b)(1), and (2) requires that the licensee have a program for inspection and maintenance of radiography devices, source changers, associated equipment, transport and storage containers, and survey instruments, and for inspection and maintenance of Type B packaging used to transport radioactive materials.
The maximum amount of oxide powder or its equivalent permitted outside of Type B packaging in Room 201 (can removed from a tube vault) is 180 g Pu-EID (equivalent inhalation dose).
The United States is pressing for supplier countries whose national laws prevent the return of sources to a supplier to examine means to reduce these regulatory impediments.Another obstacle includes the loss of Type B packaging status.
Seal replacement procedures for Type B Radioactive Materials packagings, on the other hand, should follow typical Type B packaging procedures, with additional leakage tests specified for all containment boundary seals.
If the external radiation level from the unshielded material exceeds 10 mSv/h at 3 meters, the material may not be considered LSA or SCO, and it will require Type B packaging.