Typical Year definition
Examples of Typical Year in a sentence
Funds will not be provided if the goals and intentions of the program as described in the application and described in the agreement with the Commission fail to be met or if the use of funds is not appropriate and/or fails to meet audit standards.
Kg/Annum) The industry has disposed 10.9 Tons of land fill waste and 44.75 Tons of incinerable waste to cement industries under AFRF and 2.34 Tons of Detoxification waste to TSDF during the period from July, 2018 to June, 2019.
The Report notes that 2017 saw the end of drought conditions in the Greater Boston area and a total rainfall amount in line with the Typical Year forecast.
Start and Stop Times for Design Storms and Typical Year Simulations.
CSO Typical Year Discharge Volume Estimates for 1988, Current, and Approved Long Term Control Plan 3Figure 2-1.
He reviewed: Our Philosophy; Different Perspectives this year; Equity Statement; Social and Emotional Learning; Central Office Restructure; EdSight – PPE by % High Needs; Academics; Where do we go from here: Support – Yellow; Academics – Orange; Opportunity & Access – Purple; Other by Law – Blue; Current Budget; Fixed Costs; Budget Request; 2% Carryover; Request 3.96%; Unknowns– not a Typical Year; Challenges this doesn’t Address; Reality Check; Barnard 2016-2017 and 2022-23; and Summary.
In preparing the report, the MWRA modeled all of the some 100 rainfall events in 2017 and compared them with the predictions of the Typical Year rainfall model developed for setting performance standards under the court-ordered Long-Term Control Plan.
Detailed Impacts of Torrefaction Plan – Typical Year Operations Impact TypeEmploymentLabor IncomeValue AddedOutputDirect Effect19$1,440,000$2,208,482$12,465,000Indirect Effect104$4,879,440$5,351,756$10,588,197Induced Effect33$1,227,914$2,156,912$4,158,965Total Effect156$7,547,354$9,717,150$27,212,162SOURCE: IMPLAN, 2016 Tables 11 and 12 show the detailed impacts of the economic modeling.
The Typical Year was a specifically constructed rainfall series that was based primarily on a single year (1992) that was close to the 40-year average in total rainfall and distribution of rainfall events of different sizes.
Detailed Impacts of Duluth Energy Systems Plant Phase II – Typical Year Operations Impact TypeEmploymentLabor IncomeValue AddedOutputDirect Effect3$250,000$575,092$1,060,000Indirect Effect11$506,429$673,265$2,198,418Induced Effect4$147,031$258,133$497,859Total Effect18$903,460$1,506,490$3,756,277SOURCE: IMPLAN, 2016 The operational impacts from the steam plant retrofit and conversion are likely to be small.