Examples of Unappropriated surplus in a sentence
The bottom line of statements of operations has been changed from "Unappropriated surplus" to "Net surplus for the year." 2.
Unappropriated surplus includes all current and prior period results of operations as disclosed in the statement of profit or loss, less appropriated surplus and dividends declared.
Equity is classified based on the restrictions placed on the distribution of monies received in accordance with the Regula- tions issued in terms of the Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act 97 of 1998) statement of changes in equity as follows:• Administration reserve;• Employer grant reserve;• Discretionary reserve; and• Unappropriated surplus.
The bottom line of statements of operations has been changed from "Unappropriated surplus" to "Net sur- plus for the year".
Unappropriated surplusThe Unappropriated surplus is the accumulated surpluses to date that have not been declared as dividends or loan interest rebate returnable to members or set aside to the General reserve.