Current Participant means a person who participated in the Plan during the Class Period and had an Active Account on May 11, 2018.
U.S. Participant means any Participant who is a United States citizen or United States resident alien as defined for purposes of Section 7701(b)(1)(A) of the Code or for whom an Award is otherwise subject to taxation under the Code.
Non-U.S. Participant means any Participant that if it were a Lender would qualify as a Non-U.S. Lender.
Prospective employee means an assessed individual who is anticipated to be hired upon completion of training.
FTR Participant means any Market Participant that provides or is required to provide Collateral in order to participate in PJM’s FTR auctions.
CDS Participant means a participant in CDS that holds security entitlements in Units on behalf of beneficial owners of those Units;
Designated Participant means such employees or officers of the Company or a related entity of the Company as the Board may designate from time to time as eligible to participate in the Plan;
Employee Participant means an Employee who holds an outstanding Award under the terms of the Plan.
Program participant means an individual certified by the secretary as a program participant under Iowa Code section 9E.3.
Non-Key Employee means any Employee who is not a Key Employee.
Active Employee means a contributing member of the TRS who is employed by a public school and is not entitled to coverage under a plan provided under Insurance Code Chapter 1551 (Texas Em- ployees Group Benefits Act) or 1601 (State University Employees Uniform Insurance Benefits Act).
Eligible Participant means an employee, officer, consultant or director of the Company or any Affiliate.
L/C Participant shall have the meaning provided in Section 3.3(a).
Participant has the meaning specified in Section 10.06(d).
Bona fide employee means a person, employed by a bidder and subject to the bidder's supervision and control as to time, place, and manner of performance, who neither exerts, nor proposes to exert improper influence to solicit or obtain contracts nor holds out as being able to obtain any contract(s) through improper influence.
Participating employee means an employee whose election to participate in a Plan has been approved by the employer.
Terminated Participant means a person who has been a Participant, but whose employment has been terminated other than by death, Total and Permanent Disability or retirement.
Major Participant means each Equity Member and each member of the Proposer’s organization: (a) with primary responsibility for design; (b) with primary responsibility for construction; or (c) with a proposed subcontract with a value greater than or equal to 5% of the contract price or $20 million, whichever is greater.
Section 162(m) Participant means any key Employee designated by the Administrator as a key Employee whose compensation for the fiscal year in which the key Employee is so designated or a future fiscal year may be subject to the limit on deductible compensation imposed by Section 162(m) of the Code.
Other Participant means a cooperative project participant other than the United States.
Initial Authorised Participant means BNP Paribas Arbitrage S.N.C. and any successor thereto.
Eligible Employees means each employee of the Company or an Affiliate.
Inactive Employee has the meaning specified in Section 7.01(a).
Market Participant means an entity that, for its own account, produces, transmits, sells, and/or purchases for its own consumption or resale capacity, energy, energy derivatives and ancillary services in the wholesale power markets. Market Participants include transmission service customers, power exchanges, Transmission Owners, load serving entities, loads, holders of energy derivatives, generators and other power suppliers and their designated agents.
School employee means (1) a teacher, substitute teacher, school administrator, school superintendent, guidance counselor, psychologist, social worker, nurse, physician, school paraprofessional or coach employed by a local or regional board of education or working in a public elementary, middle or high school; or (2) any other individual who, in the performance of his or her duties, has regular contact with students and who provides services to or on behalf of students enrolled in a public elementary, middle or high school, pursuant to a contract with the local or regional board of education.
Covered Participant means a Participant who is a “covered employee” as defined in Section 162(m)(3) of the Code, and any individual the Committee determines should be treated as such a covered employee.