Examples of Unauthorized Overrun in a sentence
Any gas taken by Buyer above the Maximum Daily Quantity, after notice from Seller of curtailment to the Maximum Daily Quantity, without Seller's advance approval, shall be Unauthorized Overrun Gas and shall subject Buyer to the penalty rate per dekatherm set forth in Article IV, Paragraph 5, of the General Terms and Conditions to Industrial Service Agreements hereto attached.
Any gas taken by Buyer, including gas utilized as fuel for pilots, after any order of Seller calling for complete curtailment of Buyer's interruptible load, or any gas taken by Buyer in excess of a partial curtailment order, shall be Unauthorized Overrun Gas and shall subject Buyer to the penalty rate per dekatherm set forth in Article IV, Paragraph 6, of the General Terms and Conditions to Industrial Service Agreements hereto attached.
Any customer taking a material volume of Unauthorized Overrun Gas, during a period of ordered curtailment, may forfeit its curtailment credits for the respective winter season, December through March inclusive.
Any interruptible gas taken by Buyer after the effective hour of an order calling for complete curtailment of all interruptible gas deliveries hereunder shall be considered to be Unauthorized Overrun Gas.
The payment of Overrun penalty shall not, under any circumstances, be considered as giving the Buyer the right to take Unauthorized Overrun Gas, nor shall such payment be considered to exclude or limit any causes of action or other remedies available to Seller against the Buyer for failure to comply with curtailment orders issued by Seller hereunder.