Examples of Unified Social Registry in a sentence
The Data Protection Act of 1998 of India ‘‘places responsibility on any organization to process personal information that it holds in a fair and proper way.
You can use it when planning and designing new initiatives or reflecting on something you’ve already done.
The project also builds on early lessons on targeting from the PFS, as well as lessons on the establishment of the Unified Social Registry, methods for registration, payment systems, and grievance redress mechanisms.
It has surveyed close to 30,000 potential beneficiaries, registered and provided cash transfers to approximately 6,200 households, and is supporting the creation of the Unified Social Registry.
The project will also expand the Unified Social Registry to include all host community households that are beneficiaries under Component 2 and, if conditions allow, will also include all refugee beneficiaries.
Excluding all weekend returns from the sample marginally increased the size of test statistics, consistent with the relatively heavier concentration of weekend returns in pre- and postreport returns.
For instance, it would directly contribute to strengthening the Unified Social Registry (Cadastro Social Unico) with the planned registration of up to two million households.
The project supports the establishment of a social safety net system by supporting the creation of Unified Social Registry (henceforth RSU).
Some humanitarian agencies are also exploring alignment with the shock responsive features of the Baxnaano and the possibility of collaboration on the database of the Unified Social Registry (USR), under development with support from SNHCP.
The national safety nets project is working to establish a Unified Social Registry, which is expected to enable social protection programs to identify the poor better, and to significantly improve the coordination of targeting across various interventions.