Examples of Representative sample in a sentence
Tolerances for live insects responsible for infested barley, canola, corn, oats, sorghum, soybeans, sun- flower seed, and mixed grain are de- fined according to sampling designa- tions as follows:(1) Representative sample.
Th e p r ovisio n fo r a n ew s a m ple s ha ll n o t a ppl y if ob t a i n i n g t h e n ew s a m ple i n- volves a c han ge i n m e t h od of s a m pli n g.( b) Representative sample.
Representative sample s of sewage sludge shall be collected and analyzed in accordance with the methods referenced in 40 CFR 503.8(b).
Representative sample material of this and other zones of the deposit have been identified and are being collected for metallurgical test work at the SGS Mineral Services site in Lakefield, Canada.
Representative sample units w ill be graded according to the Regulations Governing Inspection and Certification of Fresh Fruit and Related Products (7 C.F.R. part 51), and United States Standards for Condition of Food Containers (7 C.F.R. part 42.140), effective on the date of the Solicitation/IFB.