Unit Holding definition
Examples of Unit Holding in a sentence
DA x UH UI where: DE is the Distribution Entitlement DA is the Distributable Amount UH is the aggregate of the Paid-up Proportion of each relevant Unit Holding of the Unitholder at the close of business on the Distribution Calculation Date UI is the aggregate Paid-up Proportion of Units on issue in the Trust at the close of business on the Distribution Calculation Date.
UH is the aggregate of the Paid-up Proportion of each relevant Unit Holding of the Unitholder at the close of business on the Distribution Calculation Date.
Property owners interested in executing a Unit Holding Agreement with the City will complete an online interest form, including the following information:• Contact information for property owner(s) and property manager, if any• Rental unit information: address, unit characteristics (number of bedrooms and bathrooms, etc.), monthly rent desired• Minimum tenant requirements, if any• A conflict of interest statement• A signed W-9 form City staff will review the information and verify eligibility.
Fund’s Advisor/Investment Consultant (if applicable) Company Name: Address: Contact name: Contact role/title: Email address: Telephone number: Fax number: PRA/FCA Number (if registered): Please indicate if you would like to receive copies of the following (please circle and indicate method of delivery): Statement of Unit Holding: yes / no [ Email / Post ] Annual Report and Accounts: yes / no [ Email / Post ] Copy of the Tax Voucher: yes / no [Email / Post ] 5.
Information sharing further assists in monitoring certain performance indicators that magnify variances and inefficient processes, for example, the bullwhip effect (Miah, 2015:280).
If the property appears to be eligible, staff will prepare the Unit Holding Agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney and contact the property owner or manager to set up a property inspection.
The Participant hereby authorizes the Designated Unit Holding Firms, if so instructed by the Company, to sell Granted Units for purposes of covering any such taxes and deliver the proceeds of any such sale to the Company for payment of any such taxes.
The Granted Units shall be held in such accounts or in such other manner at or with such brokerage firms, stock transfer agents and other institutions as are determined by the Company in its sole and absolute discretion (such accounts or manner, the “Designated Unit Holding Accounts”, and such firms, agents and institutions, the “Designated Unit Holding Firms”).
During the timeframe of the Unit Holding Agreement (typically 60 days), the property owner or manager shall agree to consider applications from Qualified Tenants, which may be referred by the City.
Legal Owner(s) Name (s) PLEASE PRINT Owner AddressCityState ZipTelephone Number (Daytime)Owner/Agent Signature(s) Date Payee name and address if different Section 8 Owner Number (if any)HOMELESS INCENTIVE PROGRAM (HIP) VACANT UNIT HOLDING FEE AGREEMENT This Agreement Regarding Vacant Unit Holding Fees (the "Agreement") is made by and between("Owner"), and, the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles ("HACLA").