United States contractors means persons and legal entities who are supplying goods and services in Afghanistan to or on behalf of United States forces under a contract or subcontract with or in support of United States forces.
United States contractors and “United States contractor employees” mean non-Czech physical persons or legal entities and their employees who are not citizens of the Czech Republic or ordinarily resident in the territory of the Czech Republic, who are present in the territory of the Czech Republic in connection with activities under this Agreement to supply goods and services in the territory of the Czech Republic to United States forces under a contract or subcontract with or for United States forces.
United States contractors means the legal entities, including corporations and natural persons, present in the Republic for the purpose of executing their contracts with the Government of the United States, or subcontracts of such contracts, in support of the Armed Forces of the United States and designated as such by the Government of the United States.
Examples of United States contractors in a sentence
When watercraft is used in performance of work on or over navigable waters of the United States, contractor's workers' compensation policy shall be endorsed to include the United States Xxxxxxxxx and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act coverage.
More Definitions of United States contractors
United States contractors means natural persons or legal entities that have entered into a contract with the United States Department of Defense to provide goods and services in order to carry out activities within the framework of this Agreement.
United States contractors means the legal entities, including corporations and natural persons, present in Palau for the purpose of executing their contracts with the Government of the United States, or subcontracts of such contracts, in support of the Armed Forces of the United States and designated as such by the Government of the United States. The term "United States Contractors" does not include local contractors.
United States contractors and “United States contractor employees” mean non-Iraqi persons or legal entities, and their employees, who are citizens of the United States or a third country and who are in Iraq to supply goods, services, and security in Iraq to or on behalf of the United States Forces under a contract or subcontract with or for the United States Forces. However, the terms do not include persons or legal entities normally resident in the territory of Iraq.
United States contractors means the legal entities, including corporations and natural persons, present in the Federated States of Micronesia for the purpose of executing their contracts with the Government of the United States, or subcontracts of such contracts, in support of the Armed Forces of the United States and designated as such by the Government of the United States. The term “United States Contractors” does not include local contractors.
United States contractors means the legal entities, including corporations and natural persons (irrespective of the country of incorporation or citizenship of any such corporation or citizenship of any such natural person), present in the Republic of the Xxxxxxxx Islands for the purpose of executing their contracts with the Government of the United States (or subcontracts of such contracts), or cooperative agreements, in support of the Federal agencies acting pursuant to Article III of Title One, Article II of Title Two and section 231 of the Compact, as amended, or any other provision of United States law, and who are designated as such by the Government of the United States. The term “United States Contractors” does not include local contractors.
United States contractors and "United States contractor employees" mean non-Iraqi persons or legal Page 6, Article 6, Use of Agreed Facilities and Areas
1. With full respect for the sovereignty of Iraq, and as part of exchanging views between the Parties pursuant to this Agreement, Iraq grants access and use of agreed facilities and areas to the United States Forces, United States contractors, United States contractor employees, and other individuals or entities as agreed upon by the Parties. entities, and their employees, who are citizens of the United States or a third country and who are in Iraq to supply goods, services, and security in Iraq to or on behalf of the United States Forces under a contract or subcontract with or for the United States Forces. However, the terms do not include persons or legal entities normally resident in the territory of Iraq. Page 2, Article 2 Definition of Terms
United States contractors means non-Australian companies and firms and their employees who are not nationals of Australia, under contract or subcontract to the United States Department of Defense who may be present in Australia in connection with the Force Posture Initiatives.