Examples of Unmetered Supply Point in a sentence
The party may be a Distribution Network Operator acting as a legacy MeterAsset Provider, and in relation to an Equivalent Meter will be whichever Meter Asset Provider is appointed, where the term ‘Meter Asset Provider’ has the meaning set out in the BSC; or• record and maintain information, and to perform any actions required by Industry Agreement in relation to an Unmetered Supply Point.
The party may be a Distribution Network Operator acting as a legacy Meter Asset Provider, and in relation to an Equivalent Meter will be whichever Meter Asset Provider is appointed, wherethe term ‘Meter Asset Provider’ has the meaning set out in the BSC; or• record and maintain information, and to perform any actions required by Industry Agreement in relation to an Unmetered Supply Point.
The party may be a Distribution Network Operator acting as a legacy Meter Asset Provider, and in relation to an Equivalent Meter will be whichever Meter Asset Provider is appointed, where the term ‘Meter Asset Provider’ has the meaning set out in the BSC; or• record and maintain information, and to perform any actions required by Industry Agreement in relation to an Unmetered Supply Point.
The conditions precedent in Clauses 3.1.2, 3.1.3 and 3.1.6 do not have to be satisfied in relation to an Unmetered Supply Point.
The party may be a Distribution Network Operator acting as a legacy MeterAsset Provider, and in relation to an Equivalent Meter will be whichever Meter Asset Provider is appointed, where the term‘Meter Asset Provider’ has the meaning set out in the BSC; or• record and maintain information, and to perform any actions required by Industry Agreement in relation to an Unmetered Supply Point.
CHILD MAINTENANCE This is the amount paid by one parent to the other to support a child.
The party may be a Distribution Network Operator acting as a legacy Meter Asset Provider, and in relation to an Equivalent Meter will bewhichever Meter Asset Provider is appointed, where the term ‘Meter Asset Provider’ has the meaning set out in the BSC; or• record and maintain information, and to perform any actions required by Industry Agreement in relation to an Unmetered Supply Point.