Unsafe or unsound condition definition
Examples of Unsafe or unsound condition in a sentence
The NCUA Board may reclassify a well capitalized credit union as adequately capitalized and may re- quire an adequately capitalized or under- capitalized credit union to comply with cer- tain mandatory or discretionary supervisory actions as if it were classified in the next lower capital category (each of such actions hereinafter referred to generally as ‘‘reclas- sification’’) in the following circumstances:(1) Unsafe or unsound condition.
The FDIC is not precluded from taking action under section 8(b)(1), section 8(c) or any other enforcement action against an insured depository institution with capital above the minimum requirement if the specific circumstances deem such ac- tion to be appropriate.(c) Unsafe or unsound condition.
Projects that are listed in the five-year programs for initial funding in the second and subsequent years of the program have already received substantial internal consideration and are expected to continue to be included in future capital budgets.
The NCUA Board may reclassify a well cap- italized credit union as adequately cap- italized and may require an adequately capitalized or undercapitalized credit union to comply with certain manda- tory or discretionary supervisory ac- tions as if it were classified in the next lower capital category (each of such actions hereinafter referred to gen- erally as ‘‘reclassification’’) in the fol- lowing circumstances:(1) Unsafe or unsound condition.
The FDIC is not precluded from taking action under section 8(b)(1), section 8(c) or any other enforcement action against an insured depository institution with capital above the minimum requirement if the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation § 324.5 specific circumstances deem such ac- tion to be appropriate.(c) Unsafe or unsound condition.