Examples of Unscheduled Meeting in a sentence
That the Minutes of the Unscheduled Meeting held on 22 February 2023 be confirmed as a correct record of business transacted.
That the Minutes of the Unscheduled Meeting held on 15 December 2021 be confirmed as a correct record of business transacted.
That the Minutes of the Unscheduled Meeting held on 25 March 2022 be confirmed as a correct record of business transacted.
Cr S McAulay/ Cr E LordingThat Council confirm the minutes of the 23 March 2022 Scheduled Meeting of Council.RESOLUTION CARRIED Minutes of the Unscheduled Meeting of Council held on 13 April 2022.
Author: Emily Outlaw - Council Business Team Leader, Corporate Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In accordance with The Local Government Act and Council’s Governance Rules (adopted 17 August 2020), Council is required to fix the date, time and place of Council Meetings and provide notice of the Meeting schedule of an Ordinary Meeting or Unscheduled Meeting (previously known as Special Meeting).
In accordance with The Local Government Act and Council’s Governance Rules (adopted 17 August 2020), Council is required to fix the date, time and place of Council Meetings and provide notice of the Meeting schedule of an Ordinary Meeting or Unscheduled Meeting (previously known as Special Meeting).
Unscheduled Meeting means a meeting of the Council convened for a particular purpose that cannot be effectively dealt with in the schedule of Ordinary Council meetings set by Council.
All submissions were presented for Council’s consideration at the Unscheduled Meeting of Council on 9 June 2021.
Pre-Brief for Unscheduled Meeting of CouncilCouncillor Attendees:Cr S Carpenter, Cr D Gallagher, Cr I Gerencser, Cr K Haslam, Cr E Lording, Cr S McAulay, Cr J WalshCouncil Officer Attendees:M Chesworth, S Brown, V Albicini, T Carter, C PriceConflict of Interest Disclosures: Nil.
Unscheduled Meeting of Council – Pre-briefCouncillor Attendees:Cr S Carpenter, Cr D Gallagher, Cr K Haslam, Cr IGerencser, Cr E Lording, Cr S McAulay, Cr J WalshCouncil Officer Attendees:L Bonazzi, M Chesworth, S Brown, M Kearney, V Albicini, T Carter, G Haylock, J Fox, J Rabel, LKotschet, L Kelly, S Russell, S CollerConflict of Interest Disclosures: Nil Meeting Name/TypeWorkshop SessionMeeting Date:16 June 2021Matters Discussed:1.