Examples of Update plan in a sentence
FDP_IFF.1.4 [OSU] The TSF shall explicitly authorise an information flow based on the following rules: [assignment: none] FDP_IFF.1.5[OSU] The TSF shall explicitly deny an information flow based on the following rules: [assignment: D.Update_image which is not included in the pre-loaded OS Update plan] Application note The on-card S.OSU role interacts with the off-cardS.UpdateImageCreator via OSU commands.
We disagree.Following the Board’s noncompliance findings on Issues 11 and 13, the County reenacted the pre-2016 Plan Update plan provisions.
FINDING: No archaeological resources have been identified within the 2020 LRDP Update plan area.
Update plan during outbreak as guidance changes and as situation requires.
This overlay district is specifically intended to implement the goals, objectives and recommendations for the Community Service Land Use District as presented in the City of Darlington's Community Master Plan Update plan documents and maps as adopted by the City of May 19, 1992.
Update plan resources and contact information to ensure accuracy.Establish a pandemic task force to continuously monitor external and internal data and implement appropriate protocols.
Deliverables ¨ Addendums during Advertisement ¨ Response to RFI’s ¨ Updated plan sheets and/or Specifications for FDC’s and NDC’s ¨ Coordination Meetings Activities ¨ Prepare Addendums during Advertisement ¨ Provide Response to RFI’s ¨ Update plan sheets and/or Specifications for FDC’s and NDC’s ¨ Attend coordination Meetings Assumptions ¨ Construction support will be provided as needed.
We would like, therefore, some sort of index structure capturing this Revised mappings Existing mappings Datalog generator Datalog Statistics on updates Published updatesProgram Multi-View Update plan Peer instance Unapplied updatesinformation that can be exploited for efficient adaptation.In fact, such a structure already exists in CDSSs in thegenerator ProgramPAdaptationupdaterSQL queriesform of provenance information [2], [24], [25].
Before the 2019 Update, plan sponsors were required to report a deemed distribution under Code section 72(p)(1) for uncorrected loan failures in the year of the failure.12 Plan sponsors had to submit a VCP application and request approval from the IRS to report the deemed distribution related to the plan loan failure in the year of correction—a less complicated option for plan sponsors.
Dump trucks were also of different types depending on their capacity.