Examples of Upline in a sentence
After the foreign Manager qualifies as a Sponsored Manager, he/she will be counted by their Upline toward the Gem Bonus qualification during those months that the foreign Manager has an Activity Waiver from his/her Home Country.
Upon termination of the Account, the downline Organization will roll up to the immediate, active Upline Sponsor.
After the foreign Manager qualifies as a Sponsored Manager, they will be counted by their Upline toward the Gem Bonus qualification during those months that the foreign Manager has an Activity waiver from his Home Country.
The organization of the terminated Brand Partner will “roll up” to the active Upline Sponsor on record.
ENZACTA will not change the placement if your IBO has earned commission, bonuses or other remuneration or achieved rank or earned BV (Business Volume points created from sales) from a or created any BV from them to the Upline unless the Company approves.