Examples of Urban Boundary in a sentence
Iinclude at least sufficient development capacity land within the Rural Urban Boundary that is appropriately zoned to accommodate at any one time a minimum of seventen years’ projected growth in terms of residential, commercial and industrial demand and corresponding requirements for social facilities, after allowing for any constraints on subdivision, use and development of land.
The Special Planning Area sites are also within the Urban Boundary and are now committed to a substantial land use but could accommodate future growth.
The land uses within the Urban Boundary will generally be reviewed every five years.
The rules were waived to allow for a motion respecting Stoney Creek Urban Boundary Expansion (SCUBE) Public Meeting.
The FHWA Urban Boundary maps are available online at:https://www.fdot.gov/roadway/BufferMaps/Default.shtm Urbanized: A geographic region comprising as a minimum the area inside an urban place of 50,000 or more persons, as designated by the United States Bureau of the Census, expanded to include adjacent developed areas as provided for by Federal Highway Administration regulations.
Therefore be it Resolved: That, as the local Councillor, I request that the Planning Committee hold a special public meeting at the Stoney Creek Municipal Building, 777 Hw #8, Stoney Creek, to accommodate the discussion and public hearing for the Stoney Creek Urban Boundary Expansion report.
These areas may be brought into the Urban Boundary at a future time if an expansion of the Urban Boundary is justified through a comprehensive review.
The Future Development Areas are outside the Urban Boundary and recognize some of the partially-serviced areas.
Within the newly developing large- scale vacant areas located within the Urban Boundary, more compact development will be encouraged in order to efficiently use infrastructure, minimize land consumption, support the use of public transit, reduce air and other forms of pollution, and thus foster sustainable growth in the City.
The Urban Boundary Element is not a state-mandated element; however, it is an important element because it limits leap-frog development and provides for an orderly transition from rural to urban land uses.