Urban forest definition

Urban forest means those native or introduced trees and related vegetation in the urban and near-urban areas, including, but not limited to urban watersheds, soils and related habitats, street trees, park trees, residential trees, natural riparian habitats, and trees on other private and public properties.
Urban forest means trees in cities, villages and other concentrated development.
Urban forest means the area in and around a city that contains trees and associated plant and animal life. The area may be public or private and may include single trees, small groups of trees or trees in large groups that would be identified commonly as a forest or woodland.

Examples of Urban forest in a sentence

  • Urban forest tree planting projects do not apply to large natural forest tracts (greater than 100 acres).

  • Urban forest offset projects are a planned set of tree planting and maintenance activities to permanently increase carbon storage, taking into account GHG emissions associated with planting and maintenance of project trees.

  • Under the Urban Forest Offset Protocol, it is expected that the following reasonably foreseeable compliance responses would occur: • Urban forest offset project developers (i.e., municipalities, educational campuses, utilities, and partner organizations) would implement tree planting projects that would qualify for offset credits.

  • Settlements and Landscape: Siting and evolution of cities; Role of landform, water systems, climate and vegetation; Illustrative studies of cities in India and elsewhere; Microclimate; Air pollution; Solid waste management; conservation of water resources and vegetation cover; Urban forest; Landscape heritage; City development Plans, Zonal Plans.

  • Legal rules required to contain policies on (1) Additional land cover; (2) Maintaining land cover in the form of the forest; (3) Doing good forest planning; (4) Restrictions on land use for settlements; (5) Forest rehabilitation; (6) Urban forest development; and (7) Rehabilitation of critical and potentially critical lands.

More Definitions of Urban forest

Urban forest means those native or introduced trees and related vegetation in an urban area, including, but not limited to, urban watersheds, soils and related habitats, street trees, park trees, natural riparian habitats, and trees on other private and public properties. Where feasible, introduced trees and plants shall be native species selected and planted in accordance with best management practices. No plants or trees identified on the California Invasive Species list maintained by the California Invasive Plant Council, or other appropriate sources, shall be planted.
Urban forest means the trees and shrubs in the Settlement Area, including trees in yards, along streets and utility corridors, in protected areas, and in watersheds. This includes individual trees, street trees, and green spaces with trees;
Urban forest means all trees on public streets and rights-of-way within the borders of the City and County of San Francisco, any trees growing on land subject to the jurisdiction of the Department, and any other trees subject to the provisions of this Article.
Urban forest or "Urban Forestry" means the ecology of native and nonindigenous plantings creating a forest in the human living environment, and emphasizing the practice of wise, professional, planned management of all tree resources within an urban area for multiple use and benefit of the entire community. (07-04)
Urban forest means the trees that exist within the City.
Urban forest means the natural resource composed of all Trees and woody Shrubs on public and private property within the City limit.
Urban forest means all of the trees and other vegetation in and around our cities and towns. It includes trees in home landscapes, schoolyards, parks and greenbelts, utility rights-of- way and cemeteries. It also includes trees along streets and streams and anywhere else that trees can grow in and around a community.