IN THE SETTLEMENT. How do I know if I am part of the Settlement?
IN THE SETTLEMENT. To see if you will receive money from this settlement, you first have to determine if you are a Class Member.
IN THE SETTLEMENT. Who is in the Settlement?
IN THE SETTLEMENT. To see if you are eligible for benefits from this settlement, you first have to determine if you are a Class Member.
IN THE SETTLEMENT. To see if you will receive money from this Settlement, you first have to determine if you are a Settlement Class Member.
IN THE SETTLEMENT. If you received notice of the Settlement from a postcard or email addressed to you, then you are in the Settlement Class. But even if you did not receive a postcard or email with Settlement notice, you may still be in the Settlement Class, as described below.
IN THE SETTLEMENT. To see if you will be affected by the settlement or if you can get a payment from it, you first have to determine if you are a Settlement Class Member.
IN THE SETTLEMENT. To see if you are eligible for benefits from this settlement, you first have to determine if you are a Class Member.
6. How do I know if I am part of the settlement? The Class includes everyone who was booted by Castle Parking in Atlanta, Georgia or Decatur, Georgia at a Non-Compliant Lot from October 10, 2014, to October 10, 2019. Information as to Compliant versus Non-Compliant Lots can be found at [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXX]. To qualify as a potential class member you must have been booted from a Non-Compliant Lot prior to the lot becoming compliant. Further, to qualify as a potential class members you must have been driving the vehicle that was booted and personally paid the booting fee.
7. Are there exceptions to being included? You are not included in the settlement if you (1) exclude yourself from this case; (2) were not booted by Castle Parking in Atlanta, Georgia or Decatur Georgia; (3) were booted by Castle Parking prior to October 10, 2014, or after October 10, 2019; or (4) were booted from a Compliant Lot. Additionally, Castle Parking, all present or former officers, directors, employees, partners, principals, shareholders and/or agents of Castle Parking; any employees, officers, or directors of Castle Parking’s insurers; members of the judiciary and their staff to whom these lawsuits are assigned; Class Counsel and their immediate family; Castle Parking’s counsel of record and their immediate family; Castle Parking’s insurers’ counsel and their immediate family; and all Persons who make a timely election to be excluded from the Settlement Class are not included in the settlement.
8. Understanding Class membership. This series of questions may also help you determine if you are a Class Member. Please answer all of the questions in order. Did you have a vehicle you were driving booted by Castle Parking? Continue You are not a Class Member. Did the booting occur between October 10, 2014, and October 10, 2019? Continue You are not a Class Member. Was the address where the booting occurred in Atlanta, Georgia or Decatur, Georgia? Continue You are not a Class Member. Did the booting occur at a Non-Compliant Lot? Continue You are not a Class Member. Did you personally pay Castle Parking to have the boot removed? You could be a Class Member. You are not a Class Member.
9. I’m still not sure I’m included. If you are not sure whether you are included in the Class, you should submit a notarized claim form before , 2021.
10. What does the settlement provide?...
IN THE SETTLEMENT. To be eligible for a payment from the proceeds of the Settlement, you must be a Class Member.
IN THE SETTLEMENT. How do I know if I am part of the Class?