USAID Geographic Code definition

USAID Geographic Code means a code in the USAID Geographic Code Book which designates a country, a group of countries, or an otherwise de- fined area. Principal USAID geographic codes are described in § 201.11(b)(4) of this part.
USAID Geographic Code means a code in the USAID Geographic Code Book which designates a country, a group of countries, or an otherwise de- fined area. The principal USAID geo- graphic codes are described in § 228.03.
USAID Geographic Code means a code in the USAID Geographic Code Book which designates a country, agroup of countries, or an otherwise defined area. The principal USAID geographic codes are described in§ 228.03.

Examples of USAID Geographic Code in a sentence

  • All goods and services offered in response to this RFQ or supplied under any resulting award must meet USAID Geographic Code 937 in accordance with the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 22 CFR §228.

  • All goods and services offered in response to this RFQ or supplied under any resulting award must meet USAID Geographic Code 935 in accordance with the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 22 CFR §228.

  • All goods and services offered in response to this RFP or supplied under any resulting award must meet USAID Geographic Code 937 in accordance with the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 22 CFR §228, available at: vol1-part228.pdf.

  • All services offered in response to this RFQ or supplied under any resulting award must meet USAID Geographic Code 935 in accordance with the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 22 CFR §228.

  • All goods and services offered in response to this RFP or supplied under any resulting award must meet USAID Geographic Code 935 in accordance with the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 22 CFR §228, available at: vol1-part228.pdf.

  • All services offered in response to this RFQ or supplied under any resulting award must meet USAID Geographic Code 937 in accordance with the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 22 CFR §228.

  • All goods and/or services offered in response to this RFQ or supplied under any resulting award must meet USAID Geographic Code 937 in accordance with the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 22 CFR §228.

  • All goods and services offered in response to this RFP or supplied under any resulting award must meet USAID Geographic Code 937 in accordance with the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 22 CFR §228.

  • All goods and services supplied under this order must meet USAID Geographic Code 935 (Special Free World) requirements as described in the Code of Federal Regulations: 22 CFR §228.

  • All goods and services offered in response to this RFP or supplied under any resulting award must meet USAID Geographic Code 935 in accordance with the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 22 CFR §228, available at:

Related to USAID Geographic Code

  • Established geographic service area means a geographic area, as approved by the Commissioner and based on the carrier's certificate of authority to transact insurance in this state, within which the carrier is authorized to provide coverage;

  • Geographic Territory shall include any territory formally assigned to Employee as well as all territories in which Employee has provided any services, sold any products or otherwise had responsibility at any time during the eighteen (18) month period preceding Employee’s date of separation;

  • Geographic Region means large areas where similar combinations of climate, geomorphology, and potential natural vegetation occur, established for the purposes of implementing the water protection rules.

  • Geographic Service Area or “Service Area” means an area as defined in Section 1345(k) of the Health and Safety Code.

  • the Territory means the sub-Saharan Continent, south of the 15N latitude.

  • Geographic Area means the three digit zip code in which the service, treatment, procedure, drugs or supplies are provided; or a greater area if necessary to obtain a representative cross-section of charge for a like treatment, service, procedure, device drug or supply.

  • Restricted Geographic Area is defined as all countries, territories, parishes, municipalities and states in which Company is doing business or is selling its products at the time of termination of Employee’s employment with Company, including but not limited to every parish and municipality in the state of Louisiana. Employee acknowledges that this geographic scope is reasonable given Employee's position with Company, the international scope of Company's business; and the fact that Employee could compete with Company from anywhere Company does business.

  • Geographic information system or “GIS” means a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present spatial or geographical data.

  • Grid Code / “IEGC” or “State Grid Code” shall mean the Grid Code specified by the Central Commission under clause (h) of sub-section (1) of Section 79 of the Electricity Act and/or the State Grid Code as specified by the concerned State Commission referred under clause (h) of sub-section (1) of Section 86 of the Electricity Act, as applicable;

  • SIC code as used in this chapter means the Standard Industrial Classification Code contained in the latest edition of the Standard Industrial Classification Manual published by the Federal Office of Management and Budget;

  • Licensed nurse means an Oregon licensed practical or registered nurse.

  • Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) means the codes that provide a unique eleven (11) character representation of a network interconnection point. The first eight (8) characters identify the city, state and building location, while the last three (3) characters identify the network component.

  • Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) codes provide a unique 11-character representation of a network interconnection point. The first 8 characters identify the city, state and building location, while the last 3 characters identify the network component.

  • JORC Code means the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves prepared by the Joint Ore Reserves Committee of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Australian Institute of Geoscientists and Minerals Council of Australia, as amended;

  • Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site (or “MMC Site”) means any World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration” (or “MMC”) contained in the site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site.

  • Cosmetology means the art or practice of embellishment, cleansing, beautification, and styling of hair, wigs, postiches, face, body, or nails.

  • geographical indication , in relation to goods, means an indication which identifies such goods as agricultural goods, natural goods or manufactured goods as originating, or manufactured in the territory of a country, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of such goods is essentially attributable to its geographical origin and in case where such goods are manufactured goods one of the activities of either the production or of processing or preparation of the goods concerned takes place in such territory, region or locality, as the case may be.

  • Coverage territory means the United States of America (including its territories and possessions), Puerto Rico and Canada.

  • Loan Prod Code Rem Term: Occp Code: Appr Value: Note Date: Debt Ratio: City Zip Code: Purpose: Curr Rate: CLTV: Prin Bal: Maturity Date: Lien Pos: 2576766 WI 301 14 98377 26600 356.25 657 8188002576766 8 252 1 100000 12/18/1996 26 MILLWAUKEE 53219 2 15.750 125 26212.22 01/01/2022 2 3052096 GA 61 9 77155 27660 651.87 670 305209600000000 4 59 1 91000 11/07/2000 36 Gainesville 30507 2 14.570 116 27344.08 12/01/2005 2 3116721 NY 300 14 55000 35000 418.64 688 136990000116721 8 287 1 75000 12/17/1999 45 SYRACUSE 13207 2 13.900 120 34808.43 12/22/2024 2 3200990 MI 122 14 82599 12000 173.17 712 320099000000000 5 119 1 100000 10/31/2000 38 Xxxxxx 48180 2 12.150 95 11896.03 12/01/2010 2 3248971 CA 301 14 78976 60000 768.03 680 106990000248971 8 270 1 115000 06/12/1998 50 HIGHLAND 92346 2 14.990 121 59357.19 07/17/2023 2 3383110 MI 300 14 68437 46500 604.62 671 126990000383110 8 291 1 92000 04/07/2000 46 Dowagiac 49047 2 15.250 125 46370.41 04/19/2025 2 3406126 GA 181 14 49711.8 35000 483.88 675 113990000406126 6 171 1 69000 03/30/2000 39 WARNER ROBINS 31088 2 14.750 123 34111.31 04/04/2015 2 3439641 MI 181 14 129269 40000 597.98 700 126990000439641 6 172 1 173000 04/28/2000 36 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000 2 16.380 98 39347.86 05/02/2015 2 3493133 IN 301 14 112552 35000 421.05 667 118990000493133 8 284 1 118650 08/26/1999 44 Westpoint 47992 2 13.990 125 34772.63 09/15/2024 2 3496170 KY 300 14 134738 34000 485.48 654 349617000000000 8 292 1 135000 05/25/2000 44 LOUISVILLE 40299 2 16.880 125 33946.27 05/30/2025 2 3555993 CA 301 14 157000 75000 888.5 727 355599300000000 8 294 1 220000 06/09/2000 47 Lakewood 90713 2 13.750 106 74820.18 07/01/2025 2 3564781 MA 300 14 111527 35000 513.65 646 356478100000000 8 293 1 140000 06/14/2000 31 Xxxxxxx 1570 2 17.380 105 34949.68 06/19/2025 2 3571147 WV 120 14 63364.64 47200 704.47 727 357114700000000 5 115 1 88500 08/02/2000 35 Martinsburg 25401 2 12.990 125 46263.81 08/07/2010 2 3599309 MD 301 14 212103 50000 517.4 748 359930900000000 8 295 1 250000 07/05/2000 42 Waldorf 20603 2 11.750 105 49858.17 08/01/2025 2 3624830 IN 180 14 81059 20000 275.14 668 000000000000000 6 173 1 90000 06/16/2000 41 Mulberry 46058 2 14.650 113 19808.39 06/21/2015 2 3634217 MO 300 14 48065 35000 404.66 719 363421700000000 8 293 1 70000 06/09/2000 35 Xxxxxxxx 65340 2 13.380 119 34894.63 06/14/2025 2 Page 1 of 409

  • FFDCA means the United States Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. § 301 et seq., as amended from time to time, together with any rules, regulations and requirements promulgated thereunder (including all additions, supplements, extensions, and modifications thereto).

  • Sexual Exploitation and Abuse “(SEA)” means the following:

  • Territory means worldwide.

  • Sexual exploitation means any actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power, or trust for sexual purposes. It includes profiting monetarily, socially, or politically from sexual exploitation of another.

  • Competitive contracting means the method described in sections 45 through 49 of P.L.1999, c.440 (C.18A:18A-4.1 through C.18A:18A-4.5) of contracting for specialized goods and services in which formal proposals are solicited from vendors; formal proposals are evaluated by the purchasing agent or counsel or School Business Administrator; and the Board awards a contract to a vendor or vendors from among the formal proposals received.

  • Common Channel Signaling (CCS) means an out-of-band, packet-switched, signaling network used to transport supervision signals, control signals, and data messages. It is a special network, fully separate from the transmission path of the public switched network. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the CCS protocol used by the Parties shall be SS7.

  • Cosmetic Surgery means any Surgery, service, Drug or supply designed to improve the appearance of an individual by alteration of a physical characteristic which is within the broad range of normal but which may be considered unpleasing or unsightly, except when necessitated by an Injury.