Examples of Utilization information in a sentence
Such bid tabulations shall include, in addition to pricing information, LSDBE Utilization information, as defined in Section 2.7.3. The Design-Builder represents and warrants that the bid tabs so submitted shall fairly represent the results of the subcontractor bidding process and that the Design-Builder shall not misrepresented any such data to the Department or its Program Manager.
The ISO does not coordinate its ATC calculations with neighboring system operators because they do not incorporate the Transmission Flow Utilization information produced by the ISO’s market software into their ATC calculations.
Utilization information is taken from encounter data submitted by the Managed Care Organizations.
High scores on this seven-point Likert scale indicated strong personal norms against PWU.
Utilization information shall be provided including "network and out of network" providers, frequency of claims, costs, use of network providers, and Usual and Customary Rates (UCR).
One respondent argued that in an industry governed by codes and rules, absolute clarity is required in all cases.
The Recipient shall report Invention Disclosures and Utilization information to the USDA APHIS ADODR/PM listed on the agreement prior to the time of application for any patent or invention which is paid for in any manner or any percentage of funds provided by APHIS.
No training has been provided during the last decade since the abolition in 1991 of the Institute of Public Administration (IPA), which was dedicated to the training of civil servants.
Such bid tabulations shall include, in addition to pricing information, LSDBE Utilization information and Workforce Utilization Estimates, as defined in Section 2.4.3. The Design-Builder represents and warrants that the bid tabs so submitted shall fairly represent the results of the subcontractor bidding process and that the Design-Builder shall not misrepresented any such data to the Department or its Program Manager.
DOM and Manufacturer will develop mutually-beneficial audit procedures, should such an audit be required to resolve disputes regarding Medicaid Utilization information.