Valid prescription definition
Examples of Valid prescription in a sentence
This determination is the sole responsibility of the practitioner and may not be delegated.Elements of a Valid Prescription Must be Specified by the Practitioner and Cannot be DelegatedControlled substance prescriptions are orders for medication to be dispensed to an ultimate user and are required to contain specific information including: Patient name, address, drug name and strength, quantity prescribed, directions for use, and the name, address and DEA number of the issuing practitioner.
You do not meet the above criteria; You are a spouse or child seeking to assert a Family Class Member Claim (if so, please complete the Family Member Claim Form); You consumed OxyContin® tablets and/or OxyNEO® tablets before first being issued a Valid Prescription.
Recordkeeping requirements for prescriptions are detailed in Section VII, Valid Prescription Requirements.
T 30 doses 8 FIRST CAUSE FOR DISCIPLINE (Walgreen's) Furnished Dangerous Drugs without a Valid Prescription 10 18.
Movements in the value of in-force business at the beginning of the period caused by changes in economic assumptions, net of the related change in the time value of cost of option and guarantees, are recorded in non-operating results.