Examples of Medical purpose in a sentence
Samples will be tested to ensure they meet their specific requirements and to assess suitability for Medical purpose.
Quickly developing Business English can be considered as part of a larger concept of English for Specific Purposes.ESP English for academic purpose English for occupational purpose English for academic science and technologyEnglish for English for vocationalprofessional purpose purpose Medical purpose Legal purpose English for management, financeand economics (Cited: Johns, Ann M.
It is accepted that the personal data is provided for the purpose of Non Healthcare Medical purpose (aka secondary use) and therefore each party will act in accordance with the requirements contained in Connecting for Health document NPFIT-FNT-TOBPR-0023.01, “Pseudonymisation Implementation Project (PIP) Reference Paper 1, Guidance on Terminology” dated 20/11/2009, in relation to the personal data and will only use the personal data to provide the services under this Agreement.