Examples of Value of Contract in a sentence
All costs on account of insurance liabilities covered under Contract will be to Contractor's account and will be included in Value of Contract.
Yes Estimated Value of Contract $ No Estimated Value of Contract $ If checked yes, the sub-contractor must be pre-qualified to perform the work.
The liability of the Performance Guarantee shall be as per the following table: Value of Contract (incl.
Within 10 days of issue of letter of Work Order/Intent of Work/acceptance of tender, the Contractor shall submit a Performance Guarantee@ 5% of the Value of Contract amount for proper performance of the Contract in the form as specified in the contract.
Sub-ContractorMWBEor LDBType of Work/Material$ Value% of Contract Value If respondent has more than two MWBE or LDB vendors, the respondent should include information for additional MWBE and/or LDB vendors on an additional sheet of paper.