VIA Group definition
Examples of VIA Group in a sentence
No royalties shall be payable on sales among entities within the VIA Group, but royalties shall be payable on the first subsequent sale by entities within the VIA Group to a Third Party.
No royalty shall be due or owing from the use or distribution of a Licensed Product in transactions where no consideration is received by the VIA Group, such as when a Licensed Product is made or used for tests or development purposes or is distributed as samples.
The Consolidated Accounts have been prepared in accordance with applicable law and with US GAAP at the Accounts Date so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the VIA Group and the Group Companies taken as a whole at the Accounts Date and of the profits or losses for the period concerned.
The reuse of this building will accommodate the relocation of the VIA Group, bringing its 64 employees to this upper area of downtown Portland.
The VIA Group shall cease conducting any activities with respect to the marketing, promotion, sale or distribution of the Reverted Products in the Reverted Territory.
The VIA Group shall discontinue making any representation regarding its status as a licensee of or distributor for Roche in the Reverted Territory, for all Reverted Products.
The execution of this contract and its receipt by VIA Group is deemed conclusive evidence of the Ap licant’s agreement to pay the full fees due.
The Parties shall co-operate in good faith (or procure such co-operation) with a view to ensuring that such action is taken in a mutually beneficial tax efficient manner and in taking such action the Seller shall procure that the relevant members of the VIA Group use applicable reliefs and any available accumulated tax losses to the extent reasonably agreed by VIA Inc.
We have read VIA Group Te ms and Conditions and confirm our acceptance of these.
Part-time professional staff members shall be eligible for benefits as provided in Article VI (Salary and Fringe Benefits), Article VIA (Life Insurance), Article VIA (Group Insurance), Article VIA (Worker's Compensation), Annuities, Article VI (Funeral Leave), Article VIA (Other Leaves), Article VIA (Sick Leave Bank), Article VIA (Health and Welfare) to the extent permitted by Massachusetts law and/or the Massachusetts Group Insurance Commission.