Examples of Visual screening in a sentence
Visual screening where required should be provided by planting shelter belts and hedge rows with fast growing species that are commonly found in the area.(d) The design and construction of structures and highway features is guided by the principles outlined in the Planning Version ULDF and supporting Transport Agency standards and guidelines.
Visual screening of the solid waste landfill site, as approved by the department, shall be provided by use of natural objects, trees, plants, seeded soil berms, fences, or other suitable means.
Visual screening versus transcutaneous bilirubinometry for predischarge jaundice assessment.
Visual screening may be required and shall comply with all applicable zoning, architectural and design guidelines.
Visual screening and maintenance Any dead, damaged ordiseased treesmust be replacedwithin one month orwithin the nextplanting season ofMarch through toOctober; andAny grassed earthbunds shall begrazed or mownand watered tomaintain a tidy anduniformappearance.